chapter: sixty

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"I'm staying the night.. so can you tell mom?" I ask as I was pushing the food around my plate. I had my phone against my ear as I was talking to Eli on the other end.

"Yeah sure but you owe us all an explanation tomorrow. Well, not me but mom and dad."

Nodding, I saw River walk towards the table and sit across from me. "Will do." I sighed as I stared down at my plate.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing? Just tired." I rubbed my eyes then looked down at my plate, knowing that if I told him the truth then he would be over here in a matter of seconds.

"Ok.. well, goodnight. Call me if you need me."

Smiling, I look at the plate then glance up as River was eating. "I will. Goodnight." I hung up afterwards.

Looking over at River, she was watching me then slightly smiled before eating. I did the same as it was mostly silence between us as nothing was being said.

The occasional plate hitting or glass grabbing was all that was heard and it was honestly a little nerve-wrecking to say the least.

After earlier, we mostly didn't really say anything to each other. She cooked dinner and we ate in silence, which was a little uncomfortable but I didn't let it get to me.

She asked if I was staying the night or leaving. I told her that I could stay if she wanted me to and she said that it was up to me.

Which questions if she actually wants me to stay.

Looking over at her, she was eating but taking small bites. I kept watching her until I looked down at my plate then decided I was done and didnt want anymore.

Standing up, I had her attention on me as I was making my way to the sink. I placed everything in it before turning around and seeing River eating.

Leaning against the sink, I watched her for a moment before looking somewhere else. I glanced around her kitchen as I looked at all the different things on the walls then looked at the cabinets around before hearing a chair move across the floor.

I saw River stand up before walking towards the sink. When she approached it, she leaned over me and tossed her plate in the sink as our bodies were touching. I continued to look at her as she leans back and was now inches from my face.

"Where are you sleeping?" She asks.

I swallowed before staring at her. "Um, wherever is fine."

"My bed?" She whispered before pecking my lips.

When she pulled back, that's when I grabbed her hips and pulled her back towards me. I gently grab the side of her neck before kissing her, making her hands grab ahold of my sides.

Once we pull back, I look at her before smiling. "I mean.. if that's the only option."

"It is." She smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her. I followed her around as she making sure all the lights were off before locking the front door then walked upstairs.

When we entered her room, I watch her as she went to the bed and grabbed the blanket before shaking it. I saw her start making the bed up, making sure everything was nice and neat before sitting down.

"What are you staring at?" She asks as she looks at me.

Smiling, I shrug before walking to the other side of the bed and sitting down. I watch as she grabbed her phone from the bedside table and was messing with it a little before setting it down again.

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