chapter: nine

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The next few days that passed, Eli was telling me about how he was taking Naomi out again this weekend. I was happy for him but also a little curious on how he was keeping it from mom and dad.

Mom asks a lot of questions regarding what we're doing and where we're going.

Dad isn't like that much but he doesn't like us staying out late when we go places at night.

So, I wanted to know what his strategy was as far as keeping this on the down low.

"I have friends, who I hang out with sometimes. I tell them that we're going out this weekend and they believe it."

"Impressive." I said. "Too bad if I wanted to go somewhere, like see someone or whatever," I chuckle at the thought. "mom and dad would know I'm lying cause I have no friends."

He makes a face as he was spraying cologne on him. "I'm sorry, Jess."

"Don't even worry about it." I smiled as I leaned back on his bed. "I have my family, plus the people on Richards street so I guess they're like my friends."

Eli was getting ready for work, and yes, it was currently seven in the morning.

I couldn't hardly sleep last night for more than one reason. I think one reason being that I was having insomnia and it was kicking my ass at the moment.

Another reason being that for the past few nights, I really haven't been getting much sleep.

The cause of that is that woman.

Of course.

The day after I found out she accepted my follow request, she followed me back. I didn't have my page set as private, so anyone could just follow without my acceptance.

It shocked me to say the least and I was a little confused also. I couldn't understand if it was a mistake but I stared at the screen for thirty minutes trying to see if it was real or not.

I guess fate isn't letting this woman leave my life so quickly, even though I have no intentions on doing anything with this fascination I have towards her.

What's there to do?

Make an idiot out of myself and stalk her?

Psh, yeah no thanks.

When I like someone- which I'm not saying I like her, but I usually don't stalk them. I wait until if I know for sure if these feelings are real then maybe kinda run away from them.

I don't embrace the feelings I have towards someone cause when it comes to the L word, I'm a little on the edge about it and it scares me a little.

The only reason why it scares me is because I always think that if you put your heart and soul into someone, who you really admire and you have strong feelings towards them, what are the chances that they're not going to feel the same and leave you heartbroken?

That is scary.

I grew up valuing the things in life and my mom taught me that love is the most important thing, but sometimes it can be something completely different.

She taught me so much and I always carry that around with me wherever I go.

After Eli left for work, I decided to go back to sleep cause I was finally tired and I wasn't about to stay up when it's only seven in the morning.

Maybe I can start sleeping a little better once I get that woman off my brain.


"Can you go to the store for me, sweetie?" Mom asks as I was sitting at the kitchen table. I was eating lunch, since it was around noon and mom came walking in as I was eating.

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