chapter: four

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"Have fun at work." I smiled as I was half asleep, walking to the bathroom at six in the morning before running into Eli, who was getting ready for work.

"Yeah, have fun sleeping all day."

I chuckled then ran into the wall. "Oh, I will." I fumbled with the door handle before walking into the bathroom. I remember waking up and having to pee so damn bad, then I saw the light on in the bathroom before Eli walked out.

He works from six to four and I don't think I could even do that cause I'm not a morning person. I would be damned if I have to wake up at six cause I'd be fired the first day.

After I used the bathroom, I went my ass back to bed cause it was too early. I'll probably wake up around noon or sometime before. It all depends if I feel like waking up or not, or before mom comes and gets me up.

I got cozy underneath the covers before hearing Eli walk into my room. "I'll see you when I get home."

"Ok." I stayed there under the covers with my eyes shut. "We going to the fair tonight?"

"Well yeah. If we don't, you'll throw a fit."

I smiled then yawned. "Okie dokie, see you later."

After he was gone, I smiled then felt myself drifting off to sleep.


When I woke up, it was around ten in the morning. I woke up to my phone buzzing on the table next to the bed, which was a text message. I picked up my phone and saw a text from one of the women down Richards street, asking if I could work today.

Texting her back, I rolled over then stretched before getting up. I went to the bathroom first to do my business then got dressed before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

I didn't see anyone in the house but when I went into the kitchen, I heard the front door shut. I turned towards the entrance then saw my dad walking in before stopping when he saw me.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" He asks before hanging up a bag on the hook.

I walked to the fridge before grabbing a can of soda. "Heading there now."

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yes sir." I smiled at him as he shook his head. I took a sip before looking at him. "Why are you home?"

"Lunch break."

I nodded. "Gotcha. I better get going." I smiled. "Eli gets off at four and we're going to the fair."

He watches me for a moment. "When does the fair leave?"

"Tomorrow is the last day."

I watch as he nods then I smiled at him before telling him bye. I walked out of the kitchen, into the hall before grabbing my board that was leaning against the wall.

Walking outside, I noticed that it was colder than yesterday. I smiled as I looked up at the sky as I walked towards the sidewalk before laying my board down and placing my foot on it.

I took another sip of my drink before pushing off and skating down the sidewalk. I looked around as I was passing by houses before making it to the end of the road, passing the streets and skating down the sidewalk before making it to the street I needed to be on.

Skating down the street, I smiled as I looked around. As I was skating, I heard a horn behind me then turned my head to look as I saw a car that went down the other street.

When I looked back, I saw a girl walking then I tried stopping but couldn't and ending up running into her. We both fell to the ground and I instantly got up and helped her up.

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