chapter: thirty two

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The week went by and nothing crazy or amazing happened. It was pretty boring all week with nothing to do. I had a few calls from Olivia and others about coming to do a little work but nothing crazy.

Eli has been spending time with Naomi at her house, which I found cute. I told him that I was their maid of honor at the wedding and he threw something at me.

Luckily it missed cause it was a glass cup.

It ended up breaking on the floor and mom caught Eli throwing it, which was hilarious.

Naomi invited me with them this weekend to go camping since she was off of work. I was going to agree but Eli was behind her and shaking his head giving me a look that meant he wanted to spend time with her alone.

I declined and said I had other plans, which I didn't but Eli was threatening me.

When we were alone, I told him that since I didn't get to come with them, I get to pick out their babies first name since it was obvious why he wanted to be alone.

Again, he threw something at me.

But other than nothing happening this week, I got a text from Belle a few days after I ran into her that night. I totally forgot about running into her and giving her my number that when she texted me, I was a little caught off guard.

I didn't know what to say when she texted me. She asked if she could pick me u Friday night and I was stuck on what to say to her.

My mind wouldn't let me text her back, so I didn't and ended up forgetting about it for a day until she sent me another text.

Guess that's a no?

I was sitting on my bed when the text came through and I stared at it for a few minutes until I finally texted her back.

I'm busy that night. Family things. Sorry.

Sighing, I hate lying but this woman is someone I don't want to mess with. I'm not even sure why she's even asking me to go out with her or even talking to me in the first place.

The looks she gave me before, made me believe that she couldn't stand me for whatever reason. Then she threatened me to stay away from River then acts like none of that happened.

The whole situation is confusing and that's why I don't want anything to do with her.

Then there's River.

Another woman that has my mind in a fog, but totally different than what Belle has me feeling.

With Belle, there's a force pushing me away.

With River, it's pulling me in then pushing me away- in, away and so on.

After Belle messaged me back, I didn't bother looking at the text as I placed my phone in my pocket, grabbed my board then walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and heard my mom and dad in the living room.

Looking in, they were cuddled on the couch watching tv. I smiled as I knocked on the wall and made them look over at me. "I'm going riding." I held up my board.

Mom smiles. "Ok sweetie, be careful."

I smiled at them before walking towards the door. I walked out and was instantly hit with cold air. I pulled my hoodie closer to me as I walked down the driveway and towards the street.

Stopping, I looked both ways before getting on the street and placing my board down. I placed my hoodie on then made sure my phone was in my pocket before getting on my board and kicking off.

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