chapter: two

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"Why can't they open the fair up around six in the morning?" I ask while stuffing my face with a dorito sandwich. "Like, why can't they have it as soon as the sun rises then end it around midnight that day?"

My mom was looking at me from the cabinet, giving me a confused look as I was explaining to her why I want the fair to open up earlier so we could have more time to enjoy it.

"Don't stay there all night, ok? I want you both home around nine."

"Nine?" I ask as I wiped my mouth. "Mom-"

She gives me a look that makes me shut up. "Jess, don't start. I don't want you both out so late. Something could happen."

Nodding, I knew she was just worried. Her and dad are always looking out for us and I'm thankful for that, so I don't need to question their protectiveness.

"Where's Eli?" Mom asks.

I chugged my drink in under ten seconds before placing it on the table and looking over at her. "In his room getting ready."

After I was done, I threw away my trash and made sure my mess was cleaned up before walking out of the kitchen and upstairs. I knew Eli was getting ready, so I made my way to my room then grabbed my phone that was on the table next to my bed.

When I pick my phone up, I don't expect anyone to text or call me cause I have no friends. I had friends in high school when I graduated three years ago, but they all moved on with their lives and hasn't contacted me since.

Not saying I was close to any of them, so it really didn't affect me.

I placed my phone in my pocket then walked out of the room in time for Eli to almost run into me. He smiled then I looked at his outfit he had on, which was just like his personality, so it fits him well.

He was wearing jeans with rips in the knees, high top sneakers and a jacket that was mixed colors on the elbows. It was greyish on the torso part, then on the sleeves it went from blac to colors.

"How do I look?"

"Great." I smiled. "I'm ready to hit the road. We have an hour drive ahead of us so let's get going."

He smiles as we walked down the stairs then into the kitchen where mom was. She saw us then stopped what she was doing to walk towards us. I watch as she looked at Eli's clothes then was telling him how handsome he was.

I chuckled when she was trying to smother him in kisses and he was trying to get away from her, but she had a stronger grip on him.

When she got a few kisses on his cheek, he pulls away then shook his head. I smiled then saw her walking towards me, but unlike him I let her smother me in kisses cause it was the best feeling in the world.

"Be careful. Be back before nine and please don't get into trouble." Mom said

Eli gives her a look. "We never get into trouble."

Mom gave him a look before placing her hands on her hips. "Shall I remind you when you both went into the neighbors pool last summer and broke the gate?" He made a motion with his head, but mom wasn't finished.

"Or when you both snuck out one night and Jess almost broke her leg from falling off the roof."

I looked away as she was looking at me, then I heard Eli. "We got it. We won't do anything we aren't suppose to."

"Good." She says then smiles. "I love you both."

"Love you." We said in union, then we were out the door.


Before we even got on the road, we had to stop at the store to grab some snacks. Eli also wanted to get some gas in his car cause he was almost on empty. I told him yesterday that he needed to fill up but he said he could go another day.

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