Chapter 1~ breathin

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"time goes by and I can't control my mind, Don't know what else to try, But you tell me every time, 'Just keep breathin and breathin and breathin and breathin' "~ Breathin Ariana Grande

Rumer Alise Jackson POV



Ugh. Oh dear God! Somebody make it stop. Ugh!

I guess its time for me to get up. So I do.
Can't be late for my first day of senior year. I mean I'm happy on the inside but its just too early. I groggily make my way to the bathroom, and turn the water on hot with just a little cold. Don't judge me, I have to wake up somehow.

I brush my teeth and take my shower and get out of the tub. I do my hygiene routine and slip on my clothes. Since today is a big day, you know your girl gotta look cute. I put on my underclothes then, I slip on my pink pants, and my pink shirt, that shows a little of my midriff, and then leave the bathroom. I check my phone and see that I have exactly one hour to get to school.

I go to my room and put on my shoes. I go to my vanity and put on fresh lashes,and lip gloss. I put my charger, gum, wallet, and lip gloss in my purse. I check again to see that I have 45 minutes left, so I decide to take pictures, and scroll on Instagram.

 I check again to see that I have 45 minutes left, so I decide to take pictures, and scroll on Instagram

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@mostloved.rumer; I'm not high maintenance,you're just low effort 🤪🧸 #lastfirstday #futuredoctor 👩🏽‍⚕️
@theyh8.kay; My sis on em🥰 unbreakable and untouched💕
@datnigga.kam; @theyh8.kay don't gas her head, she already need to put on a jacket💀 anyways, you cute sis 🤍
@mostloved.rumer; @theyh8.kay all day sis😌 @datnigga.kam 🖕🏾but,love you too

kam 🖕🏾but,love you too

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@theyh8.kay; I got yo daddy,brother, and boyfriend choosin🗣🥰
@mostloved.rumer; yass sis😆❤️
@theyh8.kay; 😘

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