Chapter 5~ Single

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How you get to run around single but I'm still supposed to act like yo girlfriend, why I gotta sit through the whole phase, you ain't ready to be a real boyfriend~ Single Killumantii

Rumer Alise Jackson POV
*1 week later*


*This is a filler.

It's Friday, and I'm bored. I'm chilling with Kam and Marcel at my parents house. My momma wanted to have family dinner tonight, and Marcel was with Kameron and he invited him also. My babygirl is upstairs sleep, since I took her to the park after school.

Since my momma let Marcel come over for dinner I asked momma can Kayla come too, she said yes. I called Kayla and she said she was busy. I feel like she has something going on but won't talk to me about it. We tell each other everything!

Over this past week since the club, Marcel and I talk and text like crazy, like we've been friends forever. I think he gets the hint that I like him, but won't act on it because of my brother.

I feel my phone buzz, and it's him...

Marcel🤍: Why you over there lookin sad 👎🏾

Rumer: Not sad just bored 😐

Marcel🤍: Come play the game wit us 🙃

Rumer: I will demolish you in 2k🤪

Marcel🤍: You willing to bet on dat

Rumer: $100

Marcel: Ma got confidence I see🤔

Rumer: yea 😘
Their game ended when Marcel started texting me, so my brother was just scrolling through his phone. I walked over and snatched his controller, "Dude, quit playing with me, give it back."

"I thought I was a female, and I'm not playing with you, I'm about to play the game." My brother taught me how to play 2k every since he started playing, then the student became the master. Me and Marcel played, and I won. As I should. I held my hand out to him, "Pay up, loser."

"Man, you cheated."

I smacked my lips at him. "No I didn't you just a sore loser. And wassup with you and my brother calling me a dude," I looked at them, and rolled my eyes. He took out his wallet, and handed me $100. Haha, easy hundred. "Time to eat," my father called from kitchen. I went upstairs to get my baby girl, and came back down with her hand in hand.

We all sat at the table, we joined hands as my mother said grace, then we all said Amen. My momma cooked Greens, cornbread, fried chicken, baked chicken, rice and gravy, and sweet potatoes. For dessert we had peach cobbler, with vanilla ice cream, and she made a chocolate cake. I am full. I think I need to unbutton my pants.

We were all sitting on the couch just talking, and chilling out. I was sitting in between my momma and Marcel. My baby girl, Maria, crawled into my momma's lap, and started playing on her phone since mine died. Marcel and I were talking about why we should and shouldn't use Snapchat filters. I know crazy. Then he started tickling me out of nowhere.

"Stop, stop,stop. Dang I agree," he had a big grin on his face. Once we both cooled down we looked around, and everybody was staring at us. My brother pointed between us, "You got something going on with my sister," he questioned. I laughed again, my brother looked at me like I was crazy.

"No, I can't believe you even asked that." My brother just looked between us. "Y'all sholl looked close over there." My face turned into a frown, "Just because we having fun mean we gotta be dating."

"Nah, I ain't even mean it like that. You just overreacting," Kameron responded.

I just looked at him and dry laughed, "I maybe overreacting, but right now you treating me just like daddy. Like, I can't never have any fun without being reminded I got pregnant at 15. Yes, I made a mistake but every boy I look at, or smiles at me, I have to be dating."

My momma was trying to keep Maria's attention on her phone. My daddy looked like he wanted to say something. Marcel just looked at me and so did my brother. "Come on Maria, lets get you ready for bed. I took her from my mother and placed her on my hip, and walked upstairs.

I took Maria a bath, and put her clothes on, and put her in the bed. Then, I took my own shower, and put on some cozy clothes. I texted Kayla and she didn't text back. So, got snuggled in my bed, and got ready for a binge watch of Glee.

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