Chapter 2~ Flashback

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"This is like a flashback, flashback, flashback, This is like a dream, dream, dream, This is like all the things you can fit Inside a memory"~ Calvin Harris Flashback

This is a flashback chapter so you can understand how her past effects her present❣️


My feet started to hurt from the heels I was wearing. I went to go find Shakayla, because she had ran off with another friend of hers. I couldn't find her so I sat on the couch, scrolled on my phone, and waited for her to come to me.

I looked up when I heard a voice, "Hey," he spoke. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile, "Hi," I said and looked back down at my phone.

"So the birthday boy can't get any attention," 
I slightly gasped in surprise. I didn't know whose party it was Kayla wanted to go because it was supposed to be the party of the year. Not for me I didn't get out much. Tonight I only had one cup, and I was still sipping on it. I was actually wondering how teenagers got access to alcohol.

He was 6', a little on the darker side, with a cute smile. I could've melted. He was too fine to talk to me.

Yeah, I was a little popular due to me being on the dance team for football and playing basketball and softball.

That's when I realized who he was. He was a part of the boys basketball team. Jaquan Robbins. He was 16 at the time.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your party, Happy Birthday." He smirked at me, he was fine and I couldn't deny that.

"My birthday wish tonight is for the most beautiful girl in here to take a walk with me

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"My birthday wish tonight is for the most beautiful girl in here to take a walk with me." I smiled up at him. "Are you talking about me?" He nodded. "A walk? Where are we going?"

"I could give you the grand tour." I looked at him and thought about it. "Okay."'
We weaved through people that were dancing and drinking as he showed me around his house, or mansion.

The last room he showed me was his. "This is it," he held his arm out to tell me to enter. "You can sit on the bed of you want, no offense but it looks like you're tired and your feet hurt." I just nodded and I went to his bed and took off my shoes. I could feel him staring at me, I looked up and he looked away.

We started talking to each other and he finally sat down on the bed. After 10 minutes, I could feel him staring into my face again. I stopped in the middle of my sentence, "What?"  

Then he kissed me. Oh my gosh! He kissed ME!

He wasn't my first kiss, but it was still surprising. I kissed him back after I got over the shock.

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