Chapter 39~ Say You Won't Let Go

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"I knew I loved you then, But you'd never know, Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go, I know I needed you, But I never showed, But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old, Just say you won't let go, Just say you won't let go," Say you won't let go James author

Rumer Alise Jackson POV


I've been in this hospital for two hour, and I've call the gang and none of them have answered.

I'm starting to get worried, has Marco's crew killed them all?

I started walking around the hospital. The doctor told me I shouldn't and that I need rest, but I'm restless.

Also, I can't believe that I'm pregnant again. Maria will get a sibling. She asked me and Marcel for one the other day. I told when I got older.

Looks like she doesn't have to wait. I really thought we were being careful.

I was at the emergency entrance, when people came rushing in.

"Help, help!! My brother's been shot," I heard a voice, and I turned in that direction.

I saw some of the boys, and Kameron holding up Marcel, and then the doctors put him on a stretcher.

I ran over to them, and when they started taking him to a room, I held onto his hand.

"Ma'am you can't go any further," the doctor told me, and then Kameron grabbed me. I sobbed into his chest.

"Kam I can't loose him," I told my brother.

"It'll be okay," he told me

"No it won't Kam. I'm pregnant," I told him, and he looked down with his mouth open.

"It's okay sis. No matter what, I still love you," he told me.

~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~

They just put Marcel into a room. They told us that he would be okay. I'm happy about that, but I don't know how to break the news now. I think I should tell him when he wakes up.

"When can we see him," Kameron asked the doctor.

"You can go see him now," the doctor said.

Everybody tried to go to the room, but Kameron stopped them.

"She going in now, we can go in later," he told them, and they all nodded.

I sent him a quietly thank you, and walked to the room.

My baby looked pale.

I hate to see him like this.

I went to the bathroom, and grabbed a washcloth. I went over to him and washed his face. After that I went into the hospital kit, and grabbed the little lotion, and applied it to his face. Then I got the carmex I forgot about in my back pocket, and rubbed it on his lips.

He looked a little better now.

He started moving slowly, and I put my hand on his arm.

"Hey," I whispered quietly.

"Hey," he said, and gave me a weak smile.

"I got something to tell you. Are you feeling okay," I asked.

"Yeah. I'm completely awake, so wassup," he said.

"I'm pregnant," I told him.

We sat their for a minute. It was kind of a comfortable silence.

"Are you serious," he asked, and I nodded.

"I know you just turned 19, and that this will be your second child, but I'm happy. I'm 22 and I'm having my first kid," he said, and a smile came to my face.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he told me. I just smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

"Have you seen him already," he asked.

"No, I wanted to wait for you. What makes you so sure its a boy," I said laughing.

"Cause I only make boys," he said.

"Yeah whatever," I said.

"If its a girl, we going to the adoption agency," he said, and we both bust out laughing.

As I climbed into the bed with him, the guys and girls came in.

"Hey," we both greeted.

"Hey," they all said back.

"Everything all right," Kameron asked.

"Yeah, we good," I responded.

"Is he dead," Marcel asked.

"Yeah, you got a head shot before you went down," Athena said.

"Are you okay," I asked him.

"I'm fine cause I got you," he said.

The rest of the night we all talked and laughed the whole night, until everybody left. I stayed the night with Marcel, and I got discharged the next day. Marcel had to stay for a week.

~~~~~ We finna start time jumping~~~~~

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