Chapter 27~ River of Tears

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"I'm going down and you have watched me drown, In a river of tears, lost beneath the stream, Under the waves I've found the strength to say, the river of tears has washed me clean,"~ River of Tears Alessia Cara

Rumer Alise Jackson


I woke up this morning to my phone ringing. I hurried and answered the phone, because Marcel just went to sleep not to long ago cause he was stressing about what he told me.

"Hello," I answered, without looking at the caller ID.

you stupid for that~ zysmillion

shut up you made me do it

you need to learn how to look at the caller ID the feds coulda been calling you~ zysmillion

I waited for an answer, but I just heard sniffles. I pulled the phone away from my ear, to see that ShaKayla called me. I got up and walked into my bathroom.

"What do you want," I asked annoyed.

"I-i-i-," she said.

"You what? I don't have all day," I said semi-yelling.

"Can you meet me somewhere please, I need some help. You were the only person I could call," she said.

I thought about it for a minute. She sounded really stressed out, after all she called me.

"Ight, meet me a Small-cakes on Orville Ave.," I told her.

"Okay," she said with a breath of relief.

I did my hygiene, and got dressed.

I went to Maria's room, to find that she was still sleeping. I went out the front door, and outside to see Corey pulling in the driveway.

"Where you been," I asked when he got out of the car.

"I got food for everybody," he held up the Wendy's bag. He looked through the bag, and then he tossed me a burrito.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem. Where you going," he questioned.

"I need to take care of something," I said, blankly.

"I thought I was your big brother," he said. Which was true he is like a big brother to me. I can come to him for anything, even when I need advice.

"I'm going to meet with ShaKayla," I spoke.

"No," he said.

"Why," I asked.

"Are you going to fight her," he asked.

"No. I'm going to see what she needs help with. She may have been evil to me, but I'm not her," I said, using a piece of advice he once gave me.

"Well let me not stand in your way," he said.

"I'll see you later," I spoke, and gave him a hug.

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