Chapter 21~ Rare

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"Saw us getting older, Burning toast in the toaster, My ambitions were too high, Waiting for you upstairs, Why you act like I'm not there?"~ Rare Selena Gomez

Rumer Alise Jackson POV


I'm really about to find me a new best friend.  Like really, because ShaKayla has been really distant lately, I've even waited for her to come to me with her problems. She only sends me a 'hey' and 'wyd' text and when I text back she doesn't even respond. I haven't even told her about Marcel yet, I planned this party and text her about it, and she may not even be there.

She hasn't even been coming to school. Our coach cut her from the dance team, and I highly doubt she knows.

Right now I'm getting dressed. Later, I'm going to meet Zayvion, Renesha, Marcel, Kameron, Corey, and a girl named Athena that works at the club. I hope ShaKayla accepts the invite, if not its cool.

After I finished getting dressed my daughter runs into my room, "Mommy, where are you going," Maria asks.

"I'm going to a birthday party," I tell her.

"Can I go, and who's party," she asks.

"No you can't, and it for Marcel. You remember when we called him and uncle Kameron this morning to tell them happy birthday," I say, and she nods.

"Well, I have an hour before I leave. Do you me to read a book, and put you to bed," I ask.

"Yes mommy," she says, excitedly.

"Come on, lets go pick a book," I say, and she runs out of my room. I chuckle and follow behind her.

I had a good time taking her trick or treating today.

~~~~~At the club~~~~~

The gang and I were standing at the back entrance of the club about to go in. Marcel and I planned to let the rest of them go ahead, and tell Kameron right now.

"Y'all ready," Renesha asked, with her hand on the door.

"Ya'll can go in. Kameron can I talk to you," I asked in a soft voice.

"Okay let's go," Renesha said, and she, Corey, Athena, Zayvion, went inside the club. Marcel, Kameron, and I were standing outside.

"Wassup sis," Kameron said, looking at me.

Oh my Lord. I can't do this. He looking me dead in the eye. I can't even believe I kept this from him for a month.

"I- uh- uhm-," I said, trying to think of the best way to phrase this.

"Sis, if it got you stuttering like that you need to tell me. You can tell me anything," Kameron told me.

Yeah, I can tell you anything, but I'm dating your best friend.

Marcel came up behind me, and wrapped his arm around my waist. In his embrace I felt so safe. His embrace also gave me the confidence I needed, "Me and Marcel are in a relationship," I said.

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