Chapter 28~ Myself

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"I remember feeling like I wasn't good enough, Had me questioning myself, I wasn't sure enough, Had me looking in the Mirror, tryna analyze my figure, I ain't perfect, You want perfect, so that figures," Myself Layton Greene

Marcel Maki Montanna POV


"Mr. Montanna, you are not the father," the doctor told us.

Adrianna eyes just about left they sockets. I kind of figured it was somebody else's that's why I wasn't entertaining her.

I wrapped my arm around Rumer's waist, and led us out of the hospital.

"You ready for the date tonight," I asked.

"I was packing my overnight bag before I left the house," she responded.

Since it was only 3 something, I pulled $700 out of my pocket, and gave it to her.

"What's this for," she asked, with her eyebrows raised.

"Go get your nails done, and do a little shopping before we go out tonight. And PLEASE be ready by 8," I told her.

"I will," she laughed.

"And thank you," she said.

"You don't gotta thank me, you my baby," I smiled.

She smiled and pulled me into a kiss. We stood in the parking lot for about 10 minutes kissing, before I pulled away. When I looked at her face she had a pout.

"What's wrong baby," I asked concerned.

"I wasn't done, and you just stopping the kiss like you the only one involved," she said, with a frown, and that made me laugh at her.

"Woman, go get ready for tonight," I said.

"Okay, see you later," she said.

"See you later," I said, and pecked her lips. I could feel her staring at my back as I walked away.

~~~~~That Night~~~~~

I was outside of Rumer's condo. Renesha just pulled up behind me because she agreed to keep Maria for tonight. She said she needs more time to bond with her niece. I was just happy she agreed.

I went to the door, and knocked. I heard foot steps running toward the door, the door opened and I saw Maria.

"Hey mamas," I said, and picked her up.

"Maria, what did I tell you about opening the door for people," Rumer came running behind her.

It felt like time froze when I seen her, she was so beautiful. It isn't just her beauty that attracts me though. It's her kindness, intelligence, her being full of maturity, and the way she carries herself.

I snapped out of my trance, and realized what she said to Maria.

"Mamas, you don't need to open the door for everybody. Some people may be bad men or women, so don't open the door for everybody mamas," I told her.

She laid her head down on my chest, "I'm sorry that I opened the door daddy. I will listen next time," she said.

Waynament- waynament- pause- rewind- fast forward a lil bit. She just called me daddy. I was a little excited, but I didn't want to over-step my boundaries.

I looked at Rumer, she seemed to have an awe look on her face about the situation.

"Sooo.... sorry to interrupt the family moment, but I'm still here" Renesha spoke from behind us.

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