Chapter 36~ Wrong Places

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"Looking for love in all the wrong places, Looking for us in allthewrong faces, I'malways looking for lust when I'mwine-drunk and faded, Looking for love, I think we should makeit, CauseI'vebeen feeling lonely, Holdme, Tellme that you think I'm pretty, Show me how to love and then, Show me how to love again, oh, mm," Wrong Places H.E.R.

Marcel Maki Montanna POV

(A week later)

Me and Rumer stayed at my house last night. Her parents kept Maria. We smoked most of the time to prepare us for today.

Today is the day that we take down Marco.

I was kind of nervous I guess.

Not because I had to kill anybody, I've done that before. It's because I have to figure out what to do about my mom.

I told Rumer that she could torture her, then we could put her to work in the warehouse. My dad thinks that we should kill her.

We already have her captured, and she told that I shouldn't have been born. That hurt me. I mean she betrayed me, but she still my ma.

"You already up baby," Rumer said, in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah I been up for a good 30 minutes," I told her.

"You ready for this," she asked.

"Yes, are you," I responded, and she nodded.

"I love you," she told me.

"I love you more," I said, then kissed her.

"Let's get dressed," she said as she pulled away from the kiss.

I got out of the bed, and so did she. She made the bed as I watched her.

She is really wifey material.

"Hey," she snapped her fingers in my face.

"Wassup," I asked, snapping out of it.

"You were staring to hard," she said laughing.

I just rolled my eyes, and went to my closet. I seen my outfit already laid out in the back, and so was Rumer's.

See what I mean, WIfey Material.

We got in the shower together, and did our hygiene things, then we got dressed.

"You look good bae," I said, as I looked at us in the mirror.

"You look good to," she said walking out of the room.

"Where you going," I asked.

"I'm going to the warehouse to go over the plan, then help other people train," she told me.

She was always helping people train, like helping their aim, or helping their fighting stance. This was why everybody loved her, including me.

"Let me ride with you," I said, as followed behind her.

We got in the car, and we went to Wendy's and got breakfast burritos for everybody. Then she had to stop at Starbucks for some coffee.

What is it with women and Starbucks?

~~~~~1 hour till night fall~~~~~

We are now going over the plan one more time. Everybody already got their weapons ready. We were attacking at night fall, so nobody would see us. It was a 45 minute drive to his safe house, so by the time we make it there, it would be dark.

"Everybody move out," Rumer said, as we walked out of the room.

"Yes boss lady," they said, and they followed behind us.

People treat her as my equal.

I honestly believe that they would choose her over me.

We got into the black SUV, and the driver started the car.

The gang was in the SUV with us.

Corey, Rumer, Marcel, Kameron, Renesha, and Athena.

"Y'all wanna stay at my house after this," Kameron asked.

"Nah man, I'm going home to my girl and kids," Corey said.

"I'm going to Ozar's brother's party," Renesha said.

"We going to get Maria, and go home," I said.

"We here," the driver Martin said.

He drove fast, and the rest of the trucks were not behind us.

"Corey we gone have some kindergarteners next year," Rumer told Corey.

"I know. I feel old," he said, as he smiled.

"I'm ready for Maria to start school, she already be to smart at home," Rumer said.

"I'm just ready for Jackson and Jamison to get out of the house. They always arguing with each other," Corey said.

I saw the other SUV's pull up so I told them.

"They here," I said.

"Okay, y'all ready" Athena asked.

"Yeah," we all said.

"one," I started.

"two, three. I love you," we all said to each other.

It was something we always did before missions.

We all got out of the truck, and walked to the meeting point to go over the plan.

I just want this night to be over as quickly as possible.

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