Chapter 29~ Good to Me

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"Please give me peace, and make me believe that I'm not alone, you go to be good to me," ~H.E.R Good to Me

Marcel Maki Montanna POV

December 25th Christmas Day

Today was our first Christmas together. Not only for me and Rumer, but Maria too.

I had a talk with Jaquan, and he told me he was fine with her calling me her daddy. Maria now calls him dad.

*Flashback to talk with Jaquan*

"Marcel right," he asked, as he walked into my closed club.

"Yeah, wassup," I said, as I held my hand out and he shook it.

"Rumer said that you wanted to talk about something," he said, with a look of minor confusion.

"Yeah," I started.

I really didn't know how to start this conversation, so I was blunt with it.

"About a week ago, Maria called me her Daddy, and I wanted to know how you felt about that," I said.

He thought about his response first, "To be honest, I'm surprised that you even wanted to talk to me since I haven't been around recently. But, I'm fine with it," he said.

"Okay, thanks man," I said.

"No, thank you for asking like a man. Most people wouldn't do that," he said.

We shook hands again, and he stood and left the club.

*Flashback Over Babes*

Earlier Jaquan came to Rumer's house and gave Maria her Christmas gifts. They talked and she played with her toys for a little bit and then he left.

Me and Rumer splurged on gifts for her, Maria is a very happy person right now.

I'm waiting until tonight to give Rumer her gift, and she is doing the same. As of right now, we just got out of Church. The pastor had a late and quick service since today is Christmas.

The gang is meeting at Corey's house in about a hour.

The Gang ( If you didn't know): Rumer, Marcel, Corey, Corey's baby mom Kalen, Kameron, Renesha, Zayvion, Renesha's boyfriend Ozar, Jayden and Marco. And the kids Jackson, Jamison, and Maria.

Zayvion (18)is bringing his 4 siblings too ~ Andrea, Mari, Ruston, and Cason. Also ShaKayla is coming for some reason. Rumer said something happened, but told me not to worry about it.

Zayvion has been doing well now. He still works at Apple-bee's but he got promoted, and that led to a pay raise. He moved himself and his siblings out of the hotel, and into a 8 bed 7 bath house. We still hang out with him and his siblings all the time.

Rumer Alise Jackson POV

Christmas Day

At Corey's house

We all just exchanged gifts, and now we were about to watch movies. We were starting with Polar Express and ending with The Santa Pups movies.

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