Chapter 7~ Numb

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"I can't feel my face I'm so numb, I'm so wasted, I'm s**t faceded, just in case I don't make it" ~ Numb August Alsina

Authors Note: This is the only time I'm going to do a POV besides Marcel and Rumer.

*Same night as chapter 6, Next chapter will pick up where chapter 6 left off*

ShaKayla Marie Martin POV


"Baby you gotta get up," I spoke softly as I shook him.

"Why, I just laid down," he said.

I kissed my teeth, "My mom coming home in 30 minutes, and Rumer said something about coming over here when she left the club with her brother."

He got up,and started putting his clothes on, "I think you scared of her, just tell her she shouldn't care. We been together for two months, and me and Rumer were together one time three years ago."

I cringed at the fact that he doesn't know about his child. I debated telling him a few times, but I decided that it is Rumer's choice whether he wants to tell him or not. I don't want to have to choose between my boyfriend and best friend. I think that I would choose my boyfriend, I think I'm falling in love with him. Even though she's been there for me, I think that he is the rest of my life.

"ShaKayla, I know you hear me calling you," he called. I really didn't hear him, I got lost in thought.

"I'm sorry babe, I was just thinking, but wassup," I asked.

"I said I'm about to head about, I'll see you next time we link up," he spoke. He leaned down, and kissed me. I tried to peck his lips and pull way. But it seems like he caught that because he put his hand on the back of my head, and made the kiss longer.

I walked him downstairs and to the door, "Bye Jaquan." He looked back at me and smiled, but he didn't say anything back.

I really don't want to continue to hide our relationship from Rumer, but I know she would be p*ssed. I pretend to hate him in front of her because she hates him. I think its her fault and that she shouldn't blame him.

I mean she won't even tell him about his baby!!

I asked him about kids after college, he said he didn't want kids. That makes me sad, but I think I love him so I'll compromise with him on that. Or maybe I'll convince Rumer to tell him about Maria, then he'll have to change his mind about wanting kids. But I'll put that on hold, I have to graduate first.

About 30 minutes after Jaquan leaves, I'm in my bed watching TV, and my mom comes in the house. I get out of my bed and go to the living room.

"Hey, mom," I spoke.

"Hey baby. How was your day," she asked.

"It was good." My mom is a home nurse. She works for this really upper-class family. "When is dad coming back from his business trip," I asked. My dad works for this global banking and investment company.

"He said he'll be back in three days when I talked to him earlier," she shrugged and walked up stairs.

I decide to follow my mom and go to my room. I put on 'Night Shift' on Netflix.

DayOne Rumer🧸🦋: Kayla I know you haven't been responding to my messages but the started shooting at the club!!!!

Me: Are you ok??

DayOne Rumer🧸🦋: Yea I'm just shook up. I'm in Marcel's office he left me in here and I don't know where he went

Me: Do you need me to get on the phone with you? Why were you in his office in the first place?

DayOne Rumer🧸🦋: No he just came back in. I'll text you later, and I still want to come to your house, I'll explain everything

Me: Ok love you 😘

After that I go no response at all. I guess I'll see her when she gets here.

After an hour of waiting on her, I got tired of doing just that. I decided to take mt shower, and watch some more Netflix.

After about two hours of Netflix, she still hasn't called or came by. She'll usually call or something. I'm starting to worry a little. I text her four times without getting a response.

After another hour I decided that she's just ignoring me, and I went to bed.

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