Chapter 34~ Power

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"So you hide away and never tell, You say that death just knows you well, A lesson of love, all that it was, I need you to see, you've got that Power over me, My, my, everything I hold, dear resides in those eyes, Got that Power over me,"~ Power Kevin Gates

Rumer Alise Jackson

(The day after last chapter)

Today is my baby's birthday. I had that beautiful baby girl 4 years ago today. She is my whole heart and everything I live for.

I looked over at a still sleeping Marcel. I guess we both got tired after the night we had.

I decided on not waking him up, and skipping to Maria's room. She was still sleep so I went downstairs and started cooking her favorite breakfast.

Waffles, eggs, grits, fruit, and sausage. Also apple juice.

I cooked everything and then woke my baby girl up.

"Get up mamas. Happy Birthday," I exclaimed.

"I'm up mommy. Thank you," she said waking up.

"I cooked your favorite breakfast, and gave you some apple juice," I told her.

She reached up to me, and hugged my neck, "Thank you so much mommy. You are the best mommy ever," she said, and that warmed my heart.

"Thank you baby. Now go downstairs and eat your breakfast while I wake up Marcel," I said, and she nodded.

I walked back to my room, and I started to wake Marcel. I was shaking him, but that didn't work. So kissed him all over his face, and he woke up.

"So you didn't feel me shaking you, but you felt them little ahh kisses," I asked while mugging him. He just looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Breakfast is ready," I told him.

"Thanks baby," he said leaning over to me, then planted a kiss on my lips.

I walked back downstairs, and we all ate, and I honestly thought that Marcel forgot about Maria's birthday. But her told her Happy Birthday as soon as we came downstairs.

After breakfast, Jaquan called Maria to talk to her. Then we all got ready to go to Chuck-E-Cheese, Jaquan was meeting us there.

I also called ShaKayla to see how she was healing.

If you wanna know why, here's why.....

~~~~~Flashback babes~~~~~

Tomorrow was my last day at the hospital. I still can't believe his mom stabbed me. She is crazy.

I got knocked out of my thoughts by a knock on my door, and the nurse came in.

"There is a woman here that saw your name on the board outside, and she says she knows you," the nurse told me.

"What is her name," I asked.

"ShaKayla Martin," the nurse answered. I nodded and she let her into the room.

"What are you in here for girl," she asked, and I explained the story.

"What are you in here for," I asked.

"Today is the day I'm getting my abortion," she responded quietly.

"Do you want me to be there for you," I asked.

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