Chapter 18~ Changes

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"Baby, I don't understand this, You're changing, I can't stand it, My heart can't take this damage, And the way I feel, can't stand it, Baby, I don't understand this," XXXTENTACION changes

Rumer Alise Jackson POV


I took the same entrance I took when I came with Corey. The guards must've recognized me, because they just nodded their heads and moved to the side.

I walked to the lounge room, and got a bottle of water out of the fridge, "Ahhh!! You almost gave me a heart attack," I told Corey. After I looked up from the fridge, he was just standing there in the doorway. He needs a bell on him.

"Wassup," he said.

"Nothing," I responded.

"How is lil momma," he asked, inquiring about Maria.

"She good, we went to the zoo today. How is Jackson and Jamison," I asked him.

"They're good, I took them to the park today. We got to get the boys and Maria together one day," he said smiling.

"Yeah, we do. What about taking them to the fair? I told Maria I would take her, cause she's ole enough," I told him.

"Yeah, we can see about that. Anyways, you ready to do this," he asked me.

"Yeah, lets go," I told him.

We went in the same room as last time. This time we stayed in the room where people were fighting, instead of going to the gun range.

"Are you going to be training me today," I asked Corey.

"Nah, we're waiting on Renesha," he said to me.

About 5 minutes later she walk in the room, "Hey y'all," she says with pep.

"Hey," I say back ton her, as I give her a hug.

"You ready to get started," she asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay, first we are going to start off with stretches. Then, we're going to fight to see where you can fix things. Okay," she questioned, after explaining. I just nodded.

-----2 hours later-----

"That's it for today," Renesha told me, "You're a quick learner."

I was praising the Lord when she told me that was it for today. My body is not as sore as I though it would be. I haven't seen Marcel or Kameron the whole time I've been here. We're supposed to be going to Marcel's club tonight. Tonight would be my first time clubbing with Corey since he's always working at the door.

"Where are Marcel and Kameron," I asked to anyone who is listening.

"The bosses are upstairs in Kameron's office," Renesha answered.

"Which one is Kameron's office, the one on the left or right" I ask.

"The one on the right," she says, and I take off in that direction. I walk up the stairs, and go in the direction of my brother's office. I walk in without knocking.

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