Chapter 12~ Thick

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"What's up Bri, What's up Ki, What's up Lisa, D**m I want all three, Ashley, I get hot when she walk past me, Cause she thick"~ Thick Beatking

Marcel Maki Montanna POV


Right now we're getting off the jet. We just landed in Puerto Rico and its 6:00 p.m., which means its 5:00 p.m. in Atlanta. Our meeting with Carlos and his crew is at 7:00. Me, Kameron, Corey, and the rest of the crew are going to hang out a Carols' casino until the meeting.

I already broke up with Adrianna, now I just have to find a way back into Rumer's good graces.


"You wanna walk me in my house," Adrianna smiled, as she was about to exit my car.

"No, but hold on. I need to talk to you," I spoke. Her face turned into a frown.

"About what, baby," she said, grabbing my hand that was on the armrest.

I snatched my hand away from her. "I think you know what I'm talking about, but just in case you need clarification," I took a deep breath, "we need to break off whatever this is."

"I thought this was a relationship, and why," she asked, with tears in her eyes. For some reason I don't feel bad. Even though I know I should.

"This wasn't a relationship, this was physical interaction a couple of times, and this isn't good for either of us," I said.

Then she slapped me, and got out of the car. I honestly expected her to react worse than that. I at there for a few minutes, then pulled my mirror down. She didn't even slap hard enough to leave a mark.

*End of Flashback*

I tried to call Rumer before I got on the plane, and I tried to text her on the plane, but she doesn't want to be bothered with me. I'm just ready to get home tomorrow. Hopefully, I come up with a plan to win her back.

As we entered the casino, I checked my watch, we had 45 minutes until our meeting. The casino was filled with bright lights, colors, and jazz music on the small stage. Food filled my nose from the grill on the other side of the club.

I decided to go to the bar, where people barely were. The boys knew we're supposed to meet by the elevator 5 minutes before the meeting, so I wasn't worried about them.

Different women walked up to me, and slid me their number when I said I wasn't interested. When I looked over to my right, I saw a man walking with a girl who was barely standing. She was wobbling a lot. She was wearing blue jeans, a teal frilly top, with a leather jacket.

I decided to follow them out, because I wanted to see was he calling her a cab, or was he taking her. He went out the back door, which was unusual. When I went out the back door I saw the man kissing the woman, but she was trying to push him away.

"Stop, stop," she sounded so weak. "Did you do something to my drink," she asked as she slurred a little.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out," he smirked evilly.

At this point I had all the proof I needed to stop him. I pulled my Glock 9mm out of my holster, and aim at him. "Aye, back up from the woman," I slightly yelled, but enough for him to hear me.

"Mind your business, bro," the man looked up at me.

The girl looked at me pleadingly and mouthed "please help"

"I can't do that. Just let her go, and we won't have issues," I said, getting closer.

He just laughed, "You don't want problems with me."

He went to reach for something, and I shot him in his shoulder. The girl let out a shriek. The gun fell to the ground, and he reached for I again. So, I shot him in his other shoulder. I wasn't trying to kill him, but he was testing my patience.  The girl let out another shriek, walked slowly to me. I guess she was still feeling whatever he out in her drink.

He lie there groaning in pain on the ground.

"I tried to give you a chance, but you tested me," I back away a little, because I didn't want to get blood on me. Then I shot him in his head.

I'm honestly surprised no one came outside because of the gunshots.

"Hey, what's your name," I asked the girl, who now cried softly into my black True Religion shirt.

"Amarah," she said, with a heavy Spanish accent.

"Amarah, do you know where you live, " I asked her.

"It's in my phone." I tried looking for it in her back pocket, and I was right. I grabbed her hand, and pushed her thumb down on the home button. Then, I went to her GPS to see where she lived.

Her GPS, said she lived 7 minutes from here. I looked at my watch. I had 15 minutes until my meeting. Maybe, I can get one of the younger boys, and the driver to take her home. I walked her back to the back door entrance, and called one of the younger boys, Dylan.

"Wassup boss," as he walked up to me.

"I just sent the address to your phone, take her to the car, and you and the driver will drop her off. No questions asked. Also, ignore anything she says about possible dead people."

He looked at  me hesitantly after that last part, but nodded his head. He walked away with the wobbling girl leaning on his shoulder.


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