Chapter 31~ Liar

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"You're nothing but, a liar, a cheater, a deceiver, heart breaker, And I won't let you back in my life, So I'm taking, the house, the cars, the kids, and the dog, I want it all,"~ Liar Profyle

Rumer Alise Jackson


"Mommy," I heard little voices call out to me.

I turn my head to see 8 children. There's a set of boy twins, a set of girl twins, a boy and girl twin, and the other two look about 2 years apart. The boy and girl twins look the oldest.

"I'm not your mommy, but I can help you find her,"I said to them.

"You are our mom, well you were supposed to be,"The oldest boy said to me.

"What happened," I asked in confusion.

"Grandma happened," the oldest girl said.

"Who is your grandma and who is your dad," I questioned.

"Ma-" they oldest boy started.

Then they all disappeared. I felt pain all over my chest and stomach

Then I woke up


Omniscient POV

i'm a fan of grey's anatomy so mind your business~ zysmillion

"We're losing her," Dr. Meredith Grey shouted.

"She has a small tear to her heart," Dr. Cristina Yang said.

"I wanna get her into the OR," Dr. Grey said.

"Let's move," the doctors told the nurses.

They took her into the OR and took care of her heart, and the smalls cuts and tears inside of Rumer's body. Something caught Dr. Grey's eyes.

"Cristina," she called to Dr. Yang.

"What's wrong Mer," she answered.

"Look," was all Dr. Grey said.

Rumer was in and out of consciousness even in surgery, so she heard some of everything.

"What's wrong with me," Rumer asked, then she passed out again.

The next time she woke up, Dr. Grey was almost done fixing the problem she saw.

"Where am I," she asked.

They then pushed Propofol into her IV and it knocked her to sleep.

~~~~~ 2 hours later~~~~~

"I see you're awake," the nurse, Tyler, said.

Rumer just gave him a weak smile.

"I have to go get your doctors, and I will be right back," he said before leaving the room.

All Rumer could think about was Maria, the children she saw in the dream, and Marcel.

Dr. Grey and Doctor Yang made their way into her room, and explained what all happened to her.

"There is one last thing," Dr. Grey said.

"What is it," Rumer asked.

"The stab wounds caused tears in one of your fallopian tubes. In other words you might not have children," Dr. Yang told her.

Dr. Yang told Dr. Grey that she would tell her, because Dr. Grey couldn't.

This hurt Rumer to her core. After medical school she wanted a big family to come home to, but now that wouldn't happen.

Suddenly her door opened, and Marcel stood in the doorway.

"We'll give you two some privacy," the doctors said at the same time, and left.

"Hi," Rumer said quietly.

"What happened," was his response.

Rumer told him was actually happened, instead of the story his mother spun.

"Why are you lying on my mother," Marcel said.

"I'm not lying. Why would I lie," she asked.

"I don't know right now. I didn't think you was a snitch either. So I can't really trust my judgement right now.

"Don't come by the warehouse, don't talk to anyone who deals with me, lose my number, and my address. Lastly, we're done," he said and walked out, not giving her the chance to respond.

Rumer felt broken at the moment the only person that could make her better was somewhere. She didn't even know where she was. She just wanted to see her daughter, but she didn't want Maria to see her like this.

Rumer spent two weeks in the hospital before going home, and no one was there to pick her up. Marcel apparently had dropped off her purse the night she got stabbed, so that was the only thing she had, with her wallet and her phone in it.

She called an Uber to take her to her apartment, and started the search for her daughter. Kameron had her the whole time, but didn't know what was going on with his sister.

He wished that she would talk to him.

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