Chapter 8~ Be Alright

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"Midnight shadows, When finding love is a battle, But daylight is so close, So don't you worry 'bout a thing, We're gonna be alright, hey" ~ Be Alright Ariana Grande

Rumer Alise Jackson POV


Marcel has been gone for like five minutes and I'm already worried. I think I saw a gun on his waist, or either my eyes were playing tricks on me. If he has to tote a gun I guess people are pretty envious of night club owners.

Why are people shooting up the club? Why did people have to shoot up the club when I finally get the moment I've been secretly longing for?

I start texting ShaKayla, and to my surprise she texts me back. After she makes sure I'm okay Marcel back comes in his office. I don't fully look up at him, but I know its him. I can't believe we kissed. I think its best I stay away from him.

When I finally look up at him, he looks angry and mad at the same time.

"What's wrong," I ask gently.

He just shakes his head at me.

"Marcel what is it you're worrying me," I raise my voice a little.

When he looks at me, his eyes look glassy. "Yo- Your brother," he starts.

"What about my brother,and where is he, why didn't your bring him with you," I asked as I shot him with all the questions at once.

"He got shot in the chest and shoulder." When he talked it came out in almost a whisper. I get out though, my brother is like a brother to him.

I slowly start to process what he said. My brother got shot. He got shot and I wasn't there for him. I was upstairs kissing his best friend, and he got shot. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt Marcel's thumb wipe my tears away.

"Why are we still just standing here, we could've been gone to the hospital already. Come on let's go. Now!" I got angry really fast and start to walk out of his office. When I'm halfway down the hallway, I feel something pull at my arm.

"Let me drive us there, you don't need to be driving like this," Marcel says. I'm really not in the mood to argue right now, so I just nod my head.

My head is swimming with thoughts right now.

Is he okay?

Is head dead?

Are his injuries severe?

Did anyone call mom and dad?

Why would anyone shoot my brother?

How am I going to explain this to Maria? That's her favorite person.

I didn't even realize we made it to his car, let aloe that he started driving, "How long until we make it to the hospital," I asked.

"I guess in about five minutes," he responded.

I stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. When we got to the hospital I barely gave him time to park. I got out the second he pulled in the parking space, and started running towards the Emergency Room entrance.

"Where is my brother," I asked the receptionist.

"Baby, who is your brother," she asked with a sort of attitude. She looked kind of ghetto, but I don't judge a book by its cover. But I'm about to judge her on her attitude.

"His name is Kameron Jackson, 21, he came in with gun shot wounds," I told her what I knew about my brother.

"I can't really tell you what's happening, but you can go to the thirds floor, that's where he's having surgery," she said as she clicked on her computer. I looked at her name tag it said Yvette.

I jogged to the elevator, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked glanced back and saw Marcel. I tapped the elevator button, and waited. I was taking too long so I was tapping my leg. Marcel was just standing beside me.

A thought that I had forgot about occurred to me again, my parents.

I called mt mom's phone and she answered on the third ring.

"Come to the Grayson Memorial Hospital, I'll explain when you get here," I heard shuffling in the background, and I hung up the phone, as I rode the elevator to the third floor.

I know some people might think I'm wrong for not telling her what's up, but I had to think about her the same way Marcel thought about me. She doesn't need to be driving and breaking down at the same time.

When the elevator opens, I immediately go to the nurses station, "I'm looking for my brother Kameron Jackson, 21, gunshot wounds," I said to the first nurse I saw. She looked down at her computer and started clicking.

"A doctor will be out with your shortly," she smiled up at me.

I wanted to go of, but I didn't. I didn't feel like I could stay calm either, so I started pacing the floor. After about a minute of pacing I was about to pass Marcel for about the tenth time, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap.

He smelled so good, it was intoxicating. I laid my head on his chest, and let his heartbeat soothe me for the time being.

I felt like I had been laying there forever, when the elevator bell rung, and my parents came rushing toward me.

"What's wrong," My mom asked me. Before I spoke, Marcel did.

"Kameron was at the club with us, and he got shot. So did two other people, but Kameron got shot twice," he spoke calmly. I didn't even know about the two other people.

My mom went into my dad's arms, while for some reason, my dad was sending me a disapproving glare. I know what the glare is because I faced it before. I just don't know what the reason for it right now.

"Family of Kameron Jackson," we all looked toward the doctor, and I nodded, breaking my stare with my father.

"Is my baby okay," my mom asked. Her voice was shaking so much it scared me.

"Well..." the doctor looked all of us in the eyes at least once.

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Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger😘

What do you think is going to happen next? Let me know
~ MelaninWrter 💕

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