Chapter 26~ All Thee Above

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"You my bae, you my gift, you my all of the above, You get ****, you get gifts, you get all of the above, Stay down, all of the above, I'm in lust, I'm in love, I'm in all of the above,"~ All Thee Above Plies (Featuring- Kevin Gates)

Rumer Alise Jackson POV


*3 weeks later *

Today is my final moving day. I got the condo I wanted. I still haven't talked to my parents. I went to my grandmother's house for Thanksgiving, but they weren't even there. I honestly wanted to talk to them, but everything happens for a reason.

I've still been training with Marcel and Corey, going to school, doing dance, and tutoring Jayden. One day when I was tutoring Jayden he met Maria, they instantly clicked. He didn't even judge me for having her at a young age.

Jaquan has seen Maria a couple of times. She knows he is her father but she calls him Jaquan. He has been trying to bond with her, and she accepts it. I'm glad that he is actually trying for her.

Marcel and I are going good. They still haven't caught they boss of the West Kings. I asked to help kill the dude who shot Kam, but Marcel said we had to wait until he lead us to the leader.

After putting everything in place, I decided to give the house a walk through. I have a 5 bedroom, 4 bath. Me and Maria both have our own bathrooms. And of course her room and bathroom are Doc Mcstuffins.

After walking through the house, I decide I want to spend time with my baby girl. I go to her room, and see her watching Paw Patrol.

"Hey baby," I said.

"Hey mommy," she said back.

"Do you wanna watch TV with mommy," I asked.

"Yes," she responded. She then, got out of her bed, and walked towards me. I turned off the TV, and her room light.

"What do you wanna watch," I asked her with a smile.

"I want to watch...... Beauty and the Beast," she said, also with a smile.

I turned on the TV and went in the kitchen to pop popcorn, get some fruit snacks, and drinks. When I walked into the living room with the things, I heard a knock at the door.

I went to the door, and looked out the peephole to see Marcel. I opened the door, and he pulled me into a kiss.

"We still here," I heard a voice from behind him. Marcel just laughed at the comment.

He stepped out of the way and I saw Corey, his twin boys, Jackson and Jamison, and his baby mom Kalen. Along with Kameron, and his THOT of the night. Renesha was there with her new boyfriend named Ozar. Lastly, there was this guy named Marco. He's real cool, he works in Marcel's club. They all had overnight bag on their shoulders.

Nobody told y'all to plan a sleep over at my house, but go awf sis.

"What are y'all doing here," I asked excitedly.

"We came to see you, and chill at your new place," Renesha said.

"Marcel and Uncle Kam," I hear behind me, Maria starts running over to Marcel and he picks her up, and plants kisses all over her face.

"Well we were about to watch a movie, y'all can watch too. Or we can send the kids to watch a movie, and we chill in the living room, and check on them," I suggested.

"I want to watch a movie with the kids," Marcel said.

"Me too," Renesha said.

After everyone came in and got comfortable, I went and got more popcorn, drinks, and fruit snacks.

We all watched one movie, and then everyone took a bath. After that we watched two more movies, and then everyone was sleep, besides me and Marcel.

He was watching Bolt with Maria laying on his chest.

Hey that's my spot....

But I guess we could share.

I got off the couch, and tapped Marcel on his shoulder. He looked up at me, and I made the follow me motion. I led him into Maria's room. He put her down, and laid a kiss on her forehead.

I went and kissed her cheek, then I said a prayer over her.

I walked out her room, and walked towards my own and Marcel followed.

"You wanna sleep in here," I asked him.

"Yeah baby," he said. He had something on his mind. He's been to out of it tonight.

I got into my bed, and turned my LED lights on blue.

"What's wrong baby," I asked him.

"Nothing," he said.

"Come on, I kno-," I said, before he cut me off with a tongue kiss.

I kissed him back, and minutes later it got heated, and I stopped him.

"Why you stop," he asked with a pout.

"Because there is a house full of people, and three kids," I said, and he nodded.

"Also you are avoiding my question," I said, and he looked up at me, "What's up with you," I asked him.

He looked hesitant for a minute, and then whispered something in my ear.

My eyes went wide with shock. Once he saw my expression, he just nodded.

I couldn't believe it.

I tried to get it off my mind, but it kept me awake, so I laid on Marcel's chest. Eventually, the light sounds of Marcel's breathing rocked me to sleep.

Authors note: Pictures of the condo would not upload!! 😢 Sorry

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