Chapter 9~ Rolling in the Deep

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"We could've had it all, Rolling in the deep, You had my heart inside of your hands, and you played it to the beat"~ Adele  Rolling in the Deep

Marcel Maki Montana POV


"Well..." the doctor said making us all nervous, "his injuries were bad, but we fixed that hopefully. The bullet in his chest scraped his heart and caused bleeding ,but we fixed it and removed the bullet. The bullet in his shoulder shouldn't have caused any damage to his arm motor skills, and we also removed that bullet successfully, but we won't know anything until he awakens."

Kameron's mom yelled out, "Hallelujah," I understood her completely.

His dad just stood there holding his mom, and Rumer was silently crying. I walked over to her, and hugged her, putting my arms around her waist. I just stood there with her and let her cry. I felt the same way she did, but I would never show my emotions in public.

I need to find out who shot my bro though. Last time I checked we didn't have beef with anybody.

Rumer broke my train of thought, "When can we see him," she asked in almost a whisper.

"We need to see him first when he wakes up, so a nurse is watching him currently. But after we check him two people can go back at a time. I don't think he's going to wake up tonight though. You guys should go home and get some rest, you can leave your number for his medical file, and we'll call you when he wakes up," the doctor explained.

Kameron's dad whispered something to his mom, and she nodded, then turned to me and Rumer. "You two should go home, and get some rest. We'll stay up here," Kameron's mom spoke.

"But mom-," Rumer started.

"But nothing. You heard what you're mother said. Don't make tonight any harder on her," her dad spoke.

Rumer walked over and hugged her parent's, "See you guys first thing in the morning," she said as they hugged her back.

She started walking to the elevator, I decided to speak since I've been silent the whole time, "I'm sorry about what happened to Kameron, and I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said as I hugged his mother.

"Thank you, and thank you for being here for our son," Mrs.Jackson said as she hugged me back. Then I walked to the elevator. Why does this thing always take so long?

Me and Rumer got on the elevator,and walked to the car in a sort of awkward silence.

"Can you take me to my car," she asked.

"I'm gonna take you to my house, and we can go get your car in the morning. I don't want you to be alone right now," I spoke honestly. I didn't expect her to just agree with it though, but that's exactly what she did.

On the way to my house, I was thinking about who could've possibly done this. I would just ask security to check who all came in the club, and cross reference them with other gangs or cartels. Once we find out who did this, I'm going to let handle them Kameron himself.

It may not seem like it, but this dude could have a twisted mind.

Once we got to my building I got out, and rushed to Rumer's side, and opened the door for her. I don't think she was expecting that, but she gave me a small smile.

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