Chapter 25~ All in

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"If I say how I feel,would you really listen? If you was mine, I'd be all in, Came up outta that dirt pile, now I'm ballin, and I don't need no church when I'm heaven sent, Hope God put loyalty in all my friends, Cause Lord knows I got they back to the end," ~ All In Youngboy Never Broke Again

Marcel Maki Montanna


"So what happened," I asked Rumer, as she stood in front of me.

She ran her hands down her face, "A lot," she responded sarcastically. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her into my lap. I kissed her cheek, the side of her neck, and then her lips.

"Tell me what's going on. Is it me, I mean you left the morning after my birthday? Did you feel pressured into it," I asked concerned.

"NO!! It's not you. That morning my dad text me and told me to come home. We had a argument, we were both to blame. He slapped me, and put me out. He also told me to take my daughter with me," she said fast, but I caught every word.

"He put his hands on you," I asked, calmly.

"Yeah," she said lowly.

"Why," I asked.

"We were arguing," she responded. That made me mad because, I don't care. He can whoop her for all I care, but you don't put your hands on a girl.

"He shouldn't have put his hands on you, but okay. Why didn't you call me, you could've stayed with me," I questioned.

"I wanted to do this on my own. They put me out because I acted independent, so I wanted to prove to not only them, but myself that I could do this," she said.

I smiled at her. I love an independent Queen, "That's good mamas. But please at least tell me you're okay, than just ignoring us all completely," I said, and she nodded.

~~~~~The next day~~~~~

I wanted to stay at the hotel with Rumer and Maria last night, but Rumer wanted me to go home and wash and stuff.

Right now I'm headed to the warehouse. One of my guys said that he might have info on who shot Kameron a couple of months ago.

I got out of my car, and went into the warehouse, and everybody greeted me.

"Wassup," I asked Kameron, Corey, and Jartez(the tech guy).

"Nothin much," Corey said.

"Did my sister text you last night too, cause she text the both of us," Kameron asked.

"I saw her, and talked to her. She'll tell you when she ready," I told him.

"I went to my parents' house to talk to her. My momma and daddy talkin bout she started going crazy on them, and throwin plates and stuff. Then she took Maria and her stuff and left," he said.

Lord. I wanted to tell him that they were lying, but she'll tell him.

"What you got Jartez," I asked.

"So I went over the footage from that night, and I noticed something," he said, and pointed at something on the screen.

"What the h*ll is that supposed to be," Kameron asked.

"That's a West Kings tattoo," Jartez said, pointing at the tattoo on the shooter.

"Why would they shoot him, we ain't go no type of beef with the West Kings," I questioned.

"I don't know," Jartez said.

"Was you messing with somebody girl," I asked Kameron, cause this boy is a fool.

"Nah, I always make sure they single," he said, smirking.

"Well I'mma pay a visit right now," I said, and turned to walk off.

"Aight, lets go," Kameron said.

"Nah, I said me for a reason. If they put a hit on you why would they let you in," I questioned.

He didn't even say anything, he just walked off.

I got in my car, and I drove to the spot that the West Kings are known to be at. I seen a group of people what had wife beater shirts on with West King tattoos on their arms.

"Who in charge, I need to report something," I lied. The tallest of the group just pointed to a run down house.

I kept my hand on my waist, in case somebody thought today was they death day. In the inside of the run down house, was a trap. People were bagging products, counting money, and some people were smoking. I guess I didn't seem out of place cause nobody noticed me.

I went up stairs, cause that's usually where the office is. After passing about three doors, I found a door that had 'office' labeled on the front.

I didn't knock, I just walked in. I came face to face with the dude that was crazy enough to shoot Kameron.

"You the boss," I asked.

"Nah, nobody meets him without going through me," he said, cockily.

"I need to report something to your boss," I said, leaning against the wall.

"What is it," he asked.

"I saw some of yo crew on my territory," I lied quickly.

"That's not big enough to go to the boss, I can handle that," he said.

I wanted to shoot him at this moment, but I know Kam wanted that pleasure all to himself.

"How will you handle it," I asked, seeming interested.

"I have a meeting with them, and tell them to stay off your streets, Marcel right," he asked.

"Yeah that's me," I said.

"I hope to be on top of an empire like you one day," he beamed.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Groupie ahh nigga.

"That's wassup, but I gotta head out. I came this time as a courtesy, but next time I'll shoot," I said.

I went back downstairs, and walked out of the house. I walked down the street to my car, and pulled out my phone.

"I got somebody I need you to watch," I said into the phone.

"What for," they asked.

"I need you to find their boss. I need you to see if they meet," I answered.

"All right. No problem boss. Just send me where you at right now," they said, and I hung up.

I sent them the location of the house, along with the description of who they supposed to be following, then I pulled off.

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