Chapter 23~ Mercy

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"Baby please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart, even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing," ~ Mercy Shawn Mendes

Rumer Alise Jackson POV


I woke to Marcel's chest warm chest against mine, along with his arm draped tightly around my waist. I checked my phone, and it said 9:26

Last night for me was amazing, he cared about me. I never had that the first time. I guess I heard other girls talking about it, and didn't want to feel left out. I got one good thing out of that night. That good thing was Maria.

Right now, I was looking at his side profile. I'm glad I got to him before someone else did, this man is truly amazing.

"You know it's rude to stare, right," he playfully asked.

"How is it weird to stare at something or someone  that belongs to you," I asked back.

"I mean, I belong to me, but we can share," he laughed, and I did right along with him.

"I think yesterday was the best birthday I've ever had," he told me, "Mainly because I had you."

Awwe my baby so sweet. 🥲

"Gimmie a kiss," he said with his lips poked out.

I pulled my face back a little, "Gimmie got shot," I said, with a laugh. He mugged me like I really did something wrong. So I did what any good girl friend would do, I gave him a kiss.

This kiss was getting heated. He was so close to getting into my pants again, but my phone let out a loud 'ding.'

I groaned and pulled away from the kiss to check my phone.

Pops❤️🤞🏾: You were supposed to come home last night!! Where are you??

Rumer: I'm sorry, I fell asleep. Omw

Pops❤️🤞🏾: You are not grown. I don't know why you feel like you can stay out at all times of the nigh.

Rumer: Dad! I said I'm coming home now

Pops❤️🤞🏾: Get here

I get out Marcel's bed with a p*ssed look on my face. Marcel's notices and his face is confused.

I put on my clothes, and told him 'I'll text you later' and walked out of his door. I know I was kinda wrong for doing that, but I was happy. My dad just had to ruin that.

~~~~~At Rumer's house~~~~~

I walked into my house, preparing myself for the argument I'm about to have with my father. I didn't see anyone in the living room, so I decided to go to the kitchen for something to snack on.

I went to the fridge, and pulled out a apple juice and what looked like leftovers. I guess the beeping of the microwave alarmed them of my presence, because my dad came down stairs wit  my mom in tow.

"Where were you last night," my dad asked.

"I was with Kameron," I quickly lied.

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