Chapter 13~ Thick (Part 2)

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"What's up Bri, What's up Ki, What's up Lisa, D**m I want all three, Ashley, I get hot when she walk past me, Cause she thick"~ Thick Beatking

Marcel Maki Montanna POV


Me and my crew, stood in front of the elevator, waiting on it to come down. We already had guys on the stairs in case something went wrong. Once we got onto the elevator everyone was silent. Once we made it up everyone was back to talking.

In Carlos' office there was a medium sized bar, and I'm guessing people from his crew, and they had ladies dancing on them. Carlos had a girl sitting on his lap, too.

"Marcel, Kameron, and friends, welcome hermanos," Carlos said loudly. (Hermanos~Brothers)

"Wassup Carlos," Me, Kam, and Corey said in unison. The rest of my crew just nodded. Just like I taught them. Don't speak unless you're spoken to. Carlos' crew nodded their heads to us.

Me, Kam, and Corey sat in three seats set out for us, while the rest found seats, or stood up.

"Okay, we all know I like to get straight to the point," Carlos said getting serious, "you said you wanted to move more weight, but I don't know how much you're territory can handle."

"We got it, we already running out every time we get the amount we getting now," I said.

"Okay, you want to talk bigger product, I want to talk bigger numbers," Carlos said, sitting up in his seat.

"1 million," I said. That was my first and last offer for the number of products I wanted. Carlos just sat back in his seat,

"Okay, well-," before he could say anything else, a phone started ringing.

We looked all over the room, until we check all over ourselves, and Carlos' phone was ringing.

"qué," he answered, a little angrily. (What)

(Author's Note: "...." means other person on the phone was talking. Okay, now continue on!!)


"El era que?"( He was what?)


"¡Sucedió detrás del casino, mi propio casino y no pude salvarlo!" (It happened behind the casino, my own casino, and I couldn't save him.)

I knew what was going on, and so did Kameron and Corey, I don't know about the rest of the crew though. Us three understood him, because we learned Spanish around the time we started dealing with Carlos.

"What's wrong, Carlos," I asked. Even though I had a good feeling.

"My brother, my only living brother was shot."

I tried not to tense up, but I felt my blood run cold. I didn't know that the attacker was his brother.

"What was his name," I asked.

"Pablo," he answered, and just sat there quietly.

"How about I just, send the money to the regular account, and we can revisit this deal another time," I said, kind of anxious to get out of this office.

"I agree with the deal, Marcel, I just, I don't know," Carlos said sadly. Carlos was always a happy and upbeat person, to be able to turn into a cold-blooded killer in a minute. I still  can't believe I killed his brother.

"You should get your shipment, with the new negotiated amount next week. Send the money to my account. Now, not to be rude, but can everybody clear my office," Carlos spoke.

I got up, and signaled my crew to follow me. We got back on the elevator, and then left the casinos in the two SUVs we rented. I told the driver to take us back to the landing strip. After I said that, Kameron and Corey looked me up side my head like I was crazy.

"I'll explain later," I spoke, and they just nodded.

Once everybody made it back onto the jet, I told the pilot to take off. I wanted to get out of here before anybody figured out it was me.

"Okay," I spoke while standing in front of everyone, "this will be our last shipment from Carlos."

I got questionable looks, but continued, "For those of you who did not understand Carlos, his brother was killed. I'm not sorry to say that I killed him."

Everyone gave me crazy looks, I just held my hand up, "I saw his brother trying to abuse a young lady, I tried to tell him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. We all know that I don't attack or go after women, and I also don't tolerate it."

Everyone nodded, and gave understanding looks.

"With that being said, no one outside of the plane should know what happened. But, I'm sure because I didn't watch for cameras. We need to contact new plugs and connects ASAP, so when we land, get on that. Now enjoy the rest of the plane ride, cause we going to hit the ground running," I said then went in the back room, and took a seat. I can't believe I just realized I didn't watch for cameras.

Not long after I went into the back room, Kameron and Corey followed.

"Dude, what the h*ll," Kameron said, being the first one to speak. I just shook my head.

Kameron spoke up again, "I don't know how you would feel about this, but I want to get Rumer in training in the Warehouse," he said. I just looked at him, and I guess he look that as a key to continue, "I don't ever want anything to happen to her or my niece. I know she  knows how to fight but she needs other protection too. So what you got to say."

"Okay," I said plainly. He didn't know it yet, but one day in the future his sister is going to be my girlfriend, so I had no problem with her training in the Warehouse.

Kameron looked at Corey, "Can you text her the Warehouse address tomorrow morning when we all get to the Warehouse, she wont expect anything from you."

"Yeah, you know I got no problem with my best friend," he said, then laughed slightly.

With her learning how to do more trained fighting, using, guns, and being by my side, we are going to be one bad a*s couple.

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