Chapter 9

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This chapter is specially for adiza_mysunshine MounikaRadandi414  vahorazahin

And thanks for those who likes my story and appreciate my work🙏.

Anyways Let's start.


Neil couldn't sleep at night and all he could think about ananya. He doesn't want to think about her but he doesn't know how he ends up thinking about her. He tried to relax himself saying that he was just curious about her but he knows it was not just a curiosity.

It was something more and he doesn't wanted to think about that.

He wonders how can someone can effects his life so much when he doesn't even know anything about her and it has been just 3 months she joined in the office.

Neil came to the office early today as he had some imp work to do and he was even before Ananya. She is first one who come to the office along with one or two staff members as she leaves early.

He shrugged off all the thoughts and tried to concentrate on his work. After sometimes, he left his work and stood up. He went outside and roamed around the office.

While coming back to his cabin, he stopped at ananya's desk. He observed her desk which was plain just like her and he turned to leave when he got bumped into Ananya who just arrived.

She stepped backward with the sudden contact and was about to fall but neil holds her from falling. She gasped looking at him and he balanced themselves by wrapping his arms around her waist.

Ananya doesn't know what's happening but she felt different. She was never close to Amy boy in her life except family and she doesn't know how to feel when a handsome boy is holding her.

Her body felt like fire in his arms and she was staring at his face while neil felt like his heart strings has been pulled. He had been close to many girls but never he felt such an effect from any girl.

He looked into her eyes and he felt a familiar feeling looking at them. It's not like he had never seen her eyes but they were always empty and never had any emotions. She is looking at him intently with a strange emotion and he was lost in her eyes.

Suddenly Ananya was snapped out of her reverie and moved away from him making him want to pull her towards him but he didn't. He looked at her eyes and they were black like before empty.

"Sorry, I didn't see u." Neil said awkwardly.

"It's okay sir, it's my mistake too....... BTW, what are doing here so early?" Ananya asked neil.

"I am working on the presentation for that important deal." Neil said walking into his cabin and Ananya followed him.

"Sir, can I ask you something? " Ananya asked hesitated.

"Yes, ofcourse." Neil said sitting in his chair.

"You have employees to do the work and you can order them to do presentations for you. Why do you stress yourself so much by doing everything for yourself." Ananya asked puzzuled making him sigh.

"Do you think that these people who are here only for money will give their 100% in the presentation? No Ananya, people here do work only for the namesake. They do their work for how much they are paid and just go from here. They don't invest their time and hardwork for the welfare of the company." Neil said.

"Then why did you even hired such people." Ananya asked.

"I didn't hired them, they are here even before I came here and I can't even fires them until there contract are finished and for that also I don't have the sole rights." Neil said.

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