Chapter 6

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Ananya was going early today to complete the pending work as yesterday she went abruptly from the office from afternoon.

She got a call from school saying that arav was crying continously and she went way without even giving a proper reason to her boss.

She picked up arav from school and went home straight. Arav fell asleep in her arms and when he got up, she asked him the reason for his crying. Arav said that during the period, when he slept he got the nightmare and that's why he cried as he was scared.

Ananya pecified him and spent whole day with him playing and talking.

"Ananya, in my office now." She hard her boss before she could rply neil stormed away.

"Sir." Ananya called.

Do u have a valid reason for going away from office like that? You just said that you need to go and before I can understand what you said you were already gone." Neil asked calmly.

"Sorry for my behaviour sir but there was an emergency at home and that's why I had to hurry up. Ananya said softly.

Neil saw helplessness in her eyes.

"And about the pending work?" Neil asked changing the topic.

"I'm doing it sir, I've come 1 hour early today so that I can complete the pending work." Ananya said.

" may go now." Neil said to her.

If only he could know what's bothering her.


Ananya looked at the girl who is taunting females employees who were looking down embarrassed. This girl whose name she doesn't know is criticising their fashion sense in front of everyone.

Some people laughed at them, some people looked at them with pity and sone didn't care at all but no one took a stand for them.

Ananya heared from others about this girl  who works as a head of the production department and considers herself as a super model. She even heared that she told everyone that she is the favourite employee of Neil.

Ananya frawned when that girl is coming towards her and look at her directly.

"So you are the new girl?" She asked scanning Ananya from top to bottom.

"No, I'm not new. it's been already a month since I joined here." Ananya stated blankly which earned some snickers.

"Watch out what you say to me if you want your job." She snarled.

"Who are you?" Ananya asked with a straight face which earned laughs.

"What you don't me?" That girl screeched.

"No." Ananya replied.

"Look girl, you cannot talk to me like you even know who I am? I can ruin your career......." she was going on saying that but Ananya cut her off.

"Look miss, I don't want to know anything about you as I've more imp work to do rather than you know about you. So if you please excuse me now, I'm getting late for the meeting. Ananya spoke blankly.

"What's happening here."

They heared the voice and turned to see neil standing there irritated.

"Sir, see how rudely she is talking to me. She doesn't even have some respect for the seniors and talking back at me." The girl complained putting the most innocent girl face on.

'Ms. Ananya." Neil looked at her frwaning for explanation.

"Mr.Khanna, this discussion is not more imp than a meeting, we are getting and I've to arrange the conference room also." Saying this Ananya go to the conference room.

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