Chapter 19

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Neil gritted his teeth looking at the scene in front of him and he was close to explode to anger.

They all were in meeting room discussing the project and everything was fine until vineeth choose to sit beside Ananya. After the meeting had finished everyone were working on the project while Neil saw vineeth talking to ananya in between the work.

Ananya on the other side was feeling uncomfortable as vineeth always talks about the past making her anxious and she didn't know how to stop him.

Though they were not close, he was her friend who belong to the same group and she doesn't want to be rude with him. It's good talking about the college days and all but in her case it only reminds her of the things which she can never experience again in her life.

Now and then she nods and keep looking down but vineeth wouldn't get the clue.

"Ananya....." She heared Neil and she walked to him.

"Sit here." He said pointing the chair beside him glaring at vineeth.

Neil talked to her showing some files to her while vineeth shrugged and talked to his manager.

Avni observed Neil who was constantly glaring at vineeth for no reason and shook her head at his childishness. Soon everyone were dispersed and Neil asked her to follow him who walking to the door.

"You've changed a lot." Neil heared and stopped in his tracks.

"You are not that girl anymore who talks non stop and laughs have changed a lot." Vineeth said making Neil clench his fist.

"I've to go." Ananya said.

"What happened Ananya? Is everything okay?" Neil asked.

"No one can be same all the time vineeth. At that time I was childish but now now I'm grawn up and life had taught many lessons so it will never be the same all the time. Bye and take care vineeth." Ananya said and walked towards the door.

Neil walked to his cabin silently and Ananya walked out of the room. She leaned onto the wall and blinked back her tears.

She went inside his cabin and stood silently while he also sat silently.

"You will not be coming to the next meeting with vineeth's company and stay from this project." Neil said gritting his teeth.

She looked surprised at him.

"But I need to note down and make a drafts of the meetings." Ananya said.

"No, not necessary.......someone else will do it." Neil said looking pointedly at his screen.

"Okay." She agreed and he looked at her surprised as he thought she would oppose.

"I know he is a close friend of yours and all but...." He trailed off.

"He was just my friend someone from my college....not close." Ananya corrected him.

"But he seems to know you very well." Neil said sulking.

"Everyone used to know me as I was popular in college but that doesn't mean that everyone is closed to me." Ananya said amused at his behaviour."

"I don't like that he got to see that side of yours.....not me." Neil said softly and Ananya looked at him stunned.

After a moment of silence, he heared the most melodious sound that he ever heared and looked at her to see that she was laughing. He was shocked to see her laugh for the first time and it was a sight to see.

The sound of her laugh, the crinkling of her eyes when closed and the dimples formed on her both cheeks......Neil stared at her in awe.

"Oh my God! Mr. Neil Khanna is jealous!!!" She exclaimed looking at him who came out of his trance.

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