Chapter 2

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Before starting the chapter i clear one thing prakash is Ashish's best friend. He knows all his family and avni. Let's start the chapter.


She woke up sweating profusely due to the nightmare she had.

She looked for Arav in the bed but he is not there and she got panicked. She rushed through the door and ran into the living room but he was not there too. 

"Arav" she called out but didn't get any response.

She looked in the kitchen, outside, backside of the house but he was nowhereto be seen.

"Araavvvv" she yelled.

"Mummy. . . . . . . I'm here only." He came from the bathroom.

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Ofcourse she didn't check in the bathroom. She didn't knowwhy she got panicked so much may be because of that nightmare she got.

"Why are you crying? " he asked wiping her tears.

"I thought I lost u too." She cried.

"I'llnot leave u mumma." Saying this he hugged her.

"Why did u wakeup so early? " She asked him.

"I couldn't sleep." He said looking down.

"Me too." She sighed sadly.

"We need to go the doctor Arav. These nightmares are not stopping and u're not sleeping now a days." She said.

It's been six months and still they couldn't overcome of that trauma.

"But we're using medicines na mamma." He asked frowning as he doesn't want to go to the hospital.

"Yeah but I think we need another therapy session, because u need to join the school soon and I also need to join the work. Avni explained to him.

"But I hate hospitals mumma......." He said and tears fell from his eyes.

Her heart bleeds Everytime she sees him crying and she hugs him tightly.

"This is the last one before u joining the school........I promise." She said to him. And he nodded his head.

"Come let's get ready and go." She said  him and took him inside to get ready.

They went to the hospital and had thier sessions. Doctor said that they have improved a lot and this session will help them more.


Ding Dong.

She heared the door bell ring and went to open the door.

She was shocked to see the person as soon as she opened the door.

"Prakash Uncle? "

"Yes it's me........ you thought I wouldn't find u?" He asked her seriously.

"No , I thought you will find out but not this soon. She sighed and closed the door when he entered inside.

"What are u doing to ur self avni? "He asked her sadly and she stayed silent.

" You've a mansion and u living here in this small house? He asked her.

"Papa had bought this house for me as a gift because I liked it when I saw this first time and that mansion keeps reminding us about them." She gulped.

"I understand." He said sadly.

"Would u like to have something uncle. She asked him pouring water for him in a glass.

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