Chapter 15

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Ananya was late today for the office as she had an appointment with her doctor. Doctor said that her condition is quite improving and Ananya said to the doctor that her nightmares are still continuing.

Doctor conducted a counselling session on Ananya and suggested her to practice yoga and meditation. Doctor was happy to know that she is slowly coming out from the trauma as he saw her talking from her side for the first time as in the past all she used to do was give him one word answers everytime.

When he met her first time, It looked like she had no life left in her. She was breathing but was not alive and the worst thing was that she was blaming herself for the whole thing. She even wanted to end her life at one point of time due to the unbearable guilt and regret she has in her heart but was rescued by the doctors.

She didn't even try to kill herself again as she came to know that there was someone who is alive in her family who needs her. After she came to know that Arav was alive, she cries falling on her knees asking for forgiveness from God for trying to end her life.

Doctors couldn't have handled her if  not for Prakash's support as she used to listened to him.....infact only to him. Arav's condition was even worst than Ananya as he was the little kid and used to always cry asking for his parents. The whole accident thing had happened in front of him and he was in shock for many days. Slowly he came out from the shock but the nightmares due to the accident doesn't let him to sleep.

They both stayed together helping each other to get over the trauma it wasn't easy.

Doctor didn't give any medicines to her but just talked to her and told her to talk more which will help her to let out emotions rather than suppressing them. She is not a depressed patient so doctor just adviced her some natural stress free method like yoga, meditation, morning walk and jogging.

She reached the office and it's already 11. She had already messaged Neil that she will be late but there was no rply from him. Ananya entered into the elevator and reached her floor but she exited from the elevator, she heared  what everyone was talking.

She halted hearing Neil's name in their conversations.

"He can't talk to us like that." She heared a one female employee voice.

"Yes! he is not our boss to pass on order like that." Ananya heared a man's voice and she thought that it must be that arrogant bald man.

"He might be a CEO but he has no rights on the employees of our company." Another cringing voice can be heared.

As soon as our boss comes, he had to leave this company right?" That women said again.

"I think so as he has his own company  to manage." Said that bald man.

"But where is our boss? When she will take the charge?" A scared and timid voice asked must be their junior.

"They said that she is still not recovered from what happened.....she'll be back when she is okay." An elderly voice said.

"But either way he is our boss now, we can't talk about him like that." She heared anjali's low voice.

"You are like a junior.....don't interfere between seniors talk." She heared an arrogant voice.

She sighed at their behaviour and made her presence known by walking in. Everyone looked at her wispering to each other as she was never late to the office and started talking about her.

Anjali smiled at her who just nodded her head at her and walked towards her seat. She sat and thought about what they said. Though they act very sincere and honest in front of Neil, they speak such ill things about him behind his back.

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