Chapter 16

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Probably this is last chapter of this month.

Because I'm busy now onwards. I'll update next part in April inshAllah. But if I get a time then I'll surely update.

And yeah thank u guys for liking my work. It's really means a lot to me.

So let's start.


Ananya has come to the office early and started doing her work. She did some calls and and fixed some meetings. Neil also reached office a little early today as he thought he would talk to Ananya.

He entered his floor and looked for Ananya who was writing something sitting on her desk. She was so engrossed in that and didn't notic him. Neil cleared his throat standing in front of her and she looked up startled. 

Her face went blank looking at him and stood up from her seat.

"Good Morning Sir." Ananya said with a straight face.

"Good Morning.....I....." Neil was about to say.

"I'll bring your coffee." Ananya said and left.

Neil sighed and went to his cabin. He doesn't know how to talk to Anyone and apologise to her. He stood facing the large glass window and looked at the whole city through it.

"Sir, your coffee." Ananya said keeping it on the table.

Neil turned to her to talk but she was already at the door.

"Ananya what happened yesterday was....." Neil paused thinking how to say it.

"What happened yesterday? Nothing has happened." Ananya said frawning and left the cabin.

She doesn't want to talk to talk to him about it and yesterday she realised that she is getting attached to him as it  is making difference to her at watever he does or says. So it's better to stay away from him and doesn't let him in.

Whenever she is with him, she lets her guard down unknowingly which is not good for both of them and it shouldn't have hurted her that much at how he behaved with her yesterday.

She knows Neil is trying to apologise to her but she doesn't need any apology and it's better for them if they didn't talk much.

One by one whole staff came and started their their usual chatter but once they logged in there were loud gasps and whispered all around. Ananya almost smiled at their shocked faces and observed their reactions.

Soon the news and whispers spread around the whole office and everyone were talking about the email which they got from their boss. Inside, Neil frawned at the sudden chaos in the office and called his manager.  

"What's going on?" Neil asked confused.

"Sir, an email circulated to the whole staff...." his manager replied.

"What email?" Neil asked.

Then the manager showed neil the mail in his phone and Neil read it twice in shock. It was the first time ever he saw the intervention of the M.D in the office matters and that too it came out as she is supporting him.

He didn't know what to think about all this and how come she intervened so suddenly. Though he felt a little relief about the powers he got but he felt somewhere something is missing.

Neil looked at Ananya and was surprised to see her smiling to herself. Seeing her smile a smile broke out on his face too and he doesn't know why. Neil thought that it's good that she cannot see him as only he can outside through glass otherwise it would have been creepy.  

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