chapter 4

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Neil was astounded.

He never saw a girl like Ananya.

It has been one week she joined the office and he never saw a single emotion reflecting on her face not even a smile.

She comes to the work at 9 and does every work she has been assigned to do. If she got any doubt, she would ask him and clarify but never he saw her talking one word extra which is not related to work.

She was not wait for anyone or anything even for a second after the clock strikes 5:30 pm and bolts out of the office like her seat was on fire.

It made him even think to the extent that she is a robo and his brain confirmed it.

So he decided to test see of she is a human or a robo.

Neil called Ananya inside by using his intercom and she came into his cabin in 2 minutes. She looked at him to write down the instructions but she just found him staring at him and so she cleared her throat to grab his attention.

"I want coffee." Neil said and Ananya frawned at him.

" I said I want coffee." Neil said again raising his brows but again he only got a confused face.

"Ms Ananya, please go and bring me a nice cup of coffee." He said slowly.

"What? I......." she trailed off and huffed.

Without speaking any word she went to bring him his coffee amd he sighed as he thought she will argue with him saying that it's not her job.

"Sir, your coffee." She said keeping the coffee on his table.

"So what do u think about this office?" Neil asked sipping his coffee."

"It's good." Ananya said in monotone  voice.

"As u're my p.a, I want u to change your dressing style as you see u will be meeting many businesses I suggest you to dress accordingly." Neil said seriously.

"What happen to my dress?" Ananya looked down her jeans and shirt she is wearing.

He thought there was nothing wrong in her dressing and also she is beautiful just in a jeans and shirt without an inch of makeup on her face. He shook away his thoughts and cleared his throat.

"They are not appropriate for your job.....u look like a tomboy." Neil said and Ananya frawned making him smirk internally as he thought she would definitely get angry at what he said. No women would take such  insult and would definitely be embarrassed and offended by his comment.

"Then why didn't u tell me on my first day? I would have taken care of it." Ananya asked him innocently.

He look amazed at her innocence.

"Didn't you feel offended or angry for the comment I just passed on you?" Neil asked her stunned.

"No, what is there to get angry or offended? You are the boss and I'm the employee. If you tell me only I'll understand my mistakes so that I will not repeat them." Ananya said as the matter of the fact.

Neil blinked at her to see if she is even real.

"Sir, can I leave?" Ananya asked neil.

"No, sort out theses files and checked them thoroughly." Neil said giving her some files.

"Sit here on the couch and do it." Neil said when Ananya turned towards the door and went back to his work without looking at her.

She looked a bit uncomfortable but she sighed and sat on the couch checking the files with a blank face.

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