Chapter 14

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He heared his name roll of her tongue and that's it........he was a goner.

He thought of being mad at her but when he heared his name from her mouth, he forget that he was mad at her.

He composed himself and peeked through the gap to see arav sitting on the floor and playing.

He ignored her and went inside straight towards arav which made her looked at him bewildered. She closed the door and went inside.

"Hey champ!" Neil said cheerfully.

Arav was surprised to see Neil.

"Hey buddy!" Arav grinned at him.

"What are u doing?" Neil asked.

"Me and mumma were playing ludo." Arav said excitedly.

"Sir, shouldn't you be at the party right now? Avni asked him frawning.

Neil looked at her who was looking cute in her sleepwear with a messy hair and he cleared his throat to divert his attention.

"What is ludo?" Neil asked confused and both of them looked at him like he is some ghost.

"You don't know ludo game?" Arav asked shocked.

"No." Neil said scratching his neck.

"I'll teach you." Arav said and Neil sat beside him on the floor taking off his shoes.

"Sir, you can sit on the sofa......Arav you too." Ananya said quickly.

"No, it's fine." Neil mumbled without looking at her which made her sigh.

Avni understood that he is mad at her.

"You left the party and came here?" Ananya asked crossing her arms even though she knows the answer but she didn't know why he did that.

Neil stayed silent looking at arav who is arranging the ludo chart.

"Had your dinner?" Ananya asked him again.

And again he stayed silent making her sigh loudly.

Ananya shook her head at him and went inside the kitchen. She started preparing something for him to eat as they already had finished their dinner.

Neil bent and looked at her working in the kitchen. He thought that he has no right to be mad at her and he knows that she is sorry for that but he thought to be mad at her for some more time as he is enjoying her attention.

Arav started teaching him the game and Neil listened to him interestingly.

"That's it?" Neil asked and Arav nodded.

"It's so simple......let's play." Neil said.

Soon they started playing and she could hear their noises from kitchen. Neil shouts and yells whenever he dies and Arav teases him about it.

Avni laughed out when she heared Neil yelling 'cheating' at arav and guessed that arav might have again  killed him. She liked this as their house is always calm without any noise but now there is a big kid sitting in their living yelling and shouting.

Soon they started running around the living room yelling at each other. Arav was chasing Neil who was running away from him.

Ananya cooked and prepared the dinning table for him to eat. She went into the living room and saw that Neil was tickling Arav who was laughing loudly. It was a sight to see both of them laughing and shouting.

She immediately took her phone and captured the moment without letting them know. She doesn't know what will happen in the future and wants to treasure such precious moments. 

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