Chapter 7

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Neil was disturbed.

His mind is reeling with continous thoughts of Ananya.

At first he thought he was only intrigued by her attitude but after seeing her smile he wants to do anything to make her smile that like that always.

He was scared thinking that he might catch feelings for her as Neil khanna is alergic to love and relationships. But this girl is changing that and he is not liking it.

He looked through the glass window and saw her doing work calmly but she was looking so tired. Today morning also he had observed that her eyes are red and puffy.

Did she cry?

Whatever it is he shouldn't be bothered.

She didn't even go to lunch!

Whatever it is he shouldn't be bothered.

Yesterday evening she smiled at him after taking those flowers but now she looks like a whole different women.

Is she sick or something?

Whatever it is he shouldn't be bothered.

His intercom buzzed.

"Hello" He answered.

"Someone has to come to meet you sir, she is saying that she is your client." He heared that receptionist said.

"Name?" He asked

"Riya singh." She said.

"Send her in." Neil said hanging up.

Riya singh is his client and also a family friend. She is a gorgeous and hot women who is very much interested in him. Though she flirts with him and teases him. She is actually a very good friend of him. She was the first girl that he thought he could be in a relationship with her but he didn't as he doesn't have any feelings for her.

"Excuse me sir." Ananya asked and came in when he nodded.

"The files you asked for." Ananya said handing over him some files.

"Okay, have you scheduled the meeting with that Australian company? Neil asked but before she could rply the door of his cabin opened.

"Hey Neil." A girl came in.

"Hi Riya." Neil smiled standing up.

"Long time no see." Riya said hugging neil and he hugged her back.

"I missed u." Riya said battling her eyelashes at him.

"Oh! Really?" Neil asked raising his brows.

"Yes" she wispered and leaned towards him.

He just smirked at her and she just kissed on his cheek.

He suddenly remembered that Ananya is also present in same room and looked at her to see that she has gone. He looked through glass window into her cabin and didn't see he in her place.

Where did she go?

He thought of forgetting about her for sometime and spend some time with riya which will be a distraction from Ananya. They both talked about business, friends, family and parties.

She always let's him know that she is interested in him but he ignores it like always. Although he flirts back with her, he doesn't feel anything for her.

And on the other side Ananya was staring at her self in the mirror of the rest room. She doesn't know why but she felt like someone had stabbed in her heart. A lone tear escape from her eyes and she looked shocked at her self in the mirror.

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