Chapter 1

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He jerked his eyes open when he saw those ayes again.

He groaned loudly and shut his eyes tightly so that the image of the someone's eyes can go away from his mind.

Whom he's thinking?

He can't get away from those eyes since he saw them.

He could still remember clearly the whole incident where a certain pair of eyes got imprinted on his mind or rather than his heart.

From that day, he had never seen those eyes again but whenever he close his eyes he see them.


He doesn't know.

Who is that person?

He doesn't know

What is this? Where is that person? How did this happen?

He doesn't know

He doesn't know anything and that made him angry on himself.

Unknowingly his mind wondered to that day he saw her.

Few months backs

He was sitting in the cafe by a window waiting for his order. He saw a group of friends sitting on the front table enjoying themselves without having any care yo the world.

He got his drink and started drinking it looking outside the window. He saw a girl standing outside the window with her back facing the window. She was wearing a scarf around her face and saw only hee eyes when she turned around to see someone.

There was something in her eyes.

Glint, mischievous, proud and maybe anger too.

He saw a to many emotions in her eyes in a short moment which enthralled him. It made him curious of she is going to do.

But what he saw made him stunned. He never for once thought that the girl would get in her car will crash into the another car wantedly.

Everyone gasped loudly around them and she get down the car full satisfied with what she had done. She turned towards the window again and he could feel hee smirking at someone.
He followed her gaze and found that the group which was sitting in front of him stood shocking in their places.

Before they reacted to what she had done she quickly stick a note on the crashed car and vanished from that place in her car. He quickly ran out with others but she was already gone and he found her bracelet which fell down. He took that bracelet in his hand and observed it which has letter "A". He went towards the crashed car and saw that group of friends were boiling in anger and cursing that girl. He looked at the note she pasted.

Enjoy the taste of your own medicine😉

He chuckled how that girl has gotten away so easily with what she has done leaving behind the infuriating people's.

He smiled at the note and can't ignore the fact that he liked the braveness of the girl.

She was something else....


He sighed thinking about her and does not understand why he still remembers her when she doesn't even know he exists.

He brushed away those thoughts and started to get his office.


She jerked up from her sleep panting heavily. Tears were flowing from her eyes  and she cried holding her head in her hands.

She doesn't know when she will stop getting nightmares and she doesn't know how to stop the streaming down of tears from her eyes.

They say that with time, pain goes away..... it fades away.

But no.

With time pain only grows.

They say that, it's better to let go and move on.

But how.

When past haunts u whenever u're close your eyes. When your past revolves in front of u every minute of ur life, especially when it consists of memory of those peoples whom u loved the most.

It's easy to say and hard to do. It's painful...... it isn't easy to forget her past, it isn't easy to move on in her life.

She clearly remembers how she lost everything and everyone on that fateful day.

She was waiting in the airport for her family to pick her up.

It's been an hour she was waiting but still they aren't there. Panic took over her and tried to contact her family but not a single call getting connected.

Immediately she got into a taxi and left hurriedly.

When she was on her way she received a call asking her to come to the city hospital.

Shr bit her lip hard trying to control her tears, she can't even imagine anything bad happening to her family.

She reached the hospital and what she saw slumped on the floor with shock and pain.

Her whole family was dead.


She sucked in a deep breath remembering the scene she saw on that day.

She clutched her heart with pain and cried vigorously. she is helpless......the only thing she can do is mourning over their death.

She thought she would get over it with time.

But no.

It only got increase.

And at one point she had lost all the hope.....

She had no wish to live.....

But she has someone in her life for whom she had to live her life.

He is only reason she is alive today.

Shr quickly wiped her tears as she doesn't want him to see her like thus and spoil his mood.

She quickly got down the bed started getting ready.

She went into the living room and looked for him. She saw him engrossed in t.v so much that he didn't even hear her.

She shook her head at him and started preparing breakfast.

She looked at him and remembered that if it's not for him she would have been dead by now.

She is living for him and will only for him......forever.


The only reason for her breathing.


So guys this is the first chapter of my story.

Please tell me about how is my story line.

If the responses is good I'll continue otherwise I delete this.

Enjoy reading❤

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