Chapter 12

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Mr. Prakash khanna was keenly checking each and everything in the office and he has been to every floor making all the staff nervous.

Some people were buttering him, some people trying to act extra smart in front of him and some people stood quietly in a corner due to fear.

Ananya saw when he reached their floor and observed how everyone are behaving around him. She was quiet shocked at their behaviour as everyone seems to act as hardworking and sincere employees except for some people.

Mitali dixit was boasting herself and tried to make herself feel high by scolding her juniors in front of him. Ananya chuckled when she saw Mr. Khanna had completely ignored her and talked to her juniors asking them about the work and office.

"You all can continue to do your work, I'll go and meet Neil." He said and turned to see Ananya looking at him.

He smiled at her and walked towards her.

"How are you beta? Is everything fine here?" Prakash asked smiling at her.

"I'm fine and everything is good." Ananya said smiling back.

Everyone on the floor were wispering to each other and trying to know what they are talking as they could only see Mr. Khanna interacting with Ananya who was smiling.

First thing they never saw him so smiling towards any staff and the next thing was ananya's smiling which also they never saw. They were curious and peeking glances at them to know what's really going on. They stopped their peeking and returned back to their work when they saw Mr. Khanna looking at them seriously.

He went into Neil's cabin and Ananya resumed her work.

"Neil! What are u doing?" Prakash asked looking at his son who is looking at the city through the huge glass window.

"Why are u here dad?" Neil asked making him sigh.

"Why can't I be here?" Prakash asked back.

"You can but I need the reason." Neil retorted.

"It had been months since I visited and I just want to check how everything is going on here." Prakash replied sitting down on a chair.

"Check and report the princess about everything?" Neil snapped making Prakash looking at him shock.

"Why are you so angry Neil?" Prakash asked frawning.

"I'm not angry. I'm irritated with the fact that she is not least interested about her own company and here I'm working hard day and night for the development  of the company to just hand it over to her some day." Neil shouted.

Prakash didn't see anger in his words, he saw love for this company and his insecurity that he had to leave some day.

"Your hardwork will not go waste Neil. Don't forget that you are the hier of khanna industries." Prakash said seriously.

"For that you and bhai are there and it's going well too. But this company was in a drastic state when I first came here and I had worked hard to bring it to the top. I still have to do much more to this company to make it again one of the top most companies in the country and the company needs me.......I can't just think to leave it." Neil said sighing.

Prakash looked down feeling bad for hiding the truth about Avni from him.

"Neil, please don't hate her for this......just think from her point of view. She had just lost her whole family and is not not in a position to handle a company. She suffered a lot and still suffering.......she still needs time." Prakash tried to explain.

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