Chapter 9

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When I finally docked the boat and tied it up securely, I helped Elizabeth step down carefully on the dock. I hopped down, dialing the car service and ordering a car. I watched Elizabeth walk up the dock to the stairs, her hips swaying with each stride.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me, Caleb. I really enjoyed myself." She said, wrapping her arm in mine as we walked towards Navy Pier.

"It was my pleasure, anything to put a smile on that beautiful face of yours." I say, as her cheeks flushed pink. The car pulled up and I opened the door for her, sliding in behind her. "Cirrus Towers, please." I say, as the driver pulled off. Elizabeth tucked into me as the driver drove us back home. I rubbed her arm lightly, squeezing her tightly into my chest, inhaling her floral scent. We finally pulled up, I paid the driver, opening the door. I slid out, reaching my hand to Elizabeth, helping her out. We walked up to the building, walking through the lobby towards the elevators. Her phone rang loudly and she pulled it out of her purse, worry splashing across her face.

"Are you okay?" I say, as she answers her phone.

"I'm coming." She hisses into her phone, ending the call. I looked down at her puzzled, as the elevator dinged open.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, as we step into the elevator.

"Yes, I'm sorry I have to cut our night short. My brother is drunkenly standing outside of my condo." She said, her eyes invaded with sadness.

"Do you need me? I can help." I say, rubbing her cheek softly. The elevator dinged open on her floor.

"Thank you Caleb, but I can handle this. I'll come up tomorrow and we can start off where we left off." She smirked, kissing me deeply before stepping off the elevator. She stood there for a second, her eyes watching me until the doors closed. I felt this need to be her superhero, but I wanted to give her time to open up to me. I didn't want her to feel rushed into this either.

The next morning, I woke up around eleven and cleaned my house before starting breakfast in hopes Elizabeth would come up. I had texted her earlier, letting her know breakfast would be ready at eleven-thirty. I mixed the waffles, putting them in the iron and stirred the scrambled eggs. I spiced the hash browns, frying them up. I heard a soft tap at my door, my heart fluttered a little. I wiped my hands on a dish towel, walking over to the door to open it. Elizabeth stood in the hallway with her pajama pants on and a tight white tee on. It hugged her body perfectly, her large breasts braless. I gestured for her to come in, as I closed the door behind her. She walked over to the bar, sitting quietly.

"Orange juice?" I ask, grabbing a glass for a cabinet. She just nodded in silence, something is definitely off.

"Are you okay?" I ask, pouring orange juice in her glass.

"Yeah, just a long night. I enjoyed our date though." She said, letting a small smile out before it faded again.

"I'm sorry to hear that, we can just relax today. Go and pick a movie and I'll finish getting breakfast ready." I say, smiling softly at her. She nodded, grabbing her orange juice and going to sit on the couch.

After breakfast, we cuddled on the couch watching a romantic comedy that was playing on TV. She had fallen asleep in my arms, as I continued to rub her arm softly. I decided to take her to my bed, so she could sleep comfortably. I scooped her up in one swift motion, Gage following closely as I walked towards my room. I set her on the bed gently, tucking her under the blankets. I snapped for Gage softly, as I closed the door behind him. I walked into the kitchen, rinsing the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. After I finished, I sat on the couch, flipping through channels before settling on a newer show on the home decor channel.

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