Chapter 22

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Six Months Later...

As I fixed my tie in the mirror, getting ready for graduation. Elizabeth stood in the mirror fixing her makeup. I came up behind her and kissed her neck as she smiled back at me.

"You look beautiful." I say, grabbing the newer diamond necklace I had bought her for the occasion. I took it out of the box as she lifted her hair, sliding it around her neck. She rubbed her hands over the diamond studs.

"It's beautiful, Caleb. Thank you so much." She said, turning around to kiss me.

"You're welcome, Queen. Are you ready?" I ask, slipping into my suit jacket, fixing my tie.

"Yes, I just need to put the final touches on my makeup, ready in two minutes." She said, smiling at me. I pet Gage before grabbing my wallet and keys off the dresser. She threw a shawl over her shoulders, walking behind me as we made our way out the front door.

When we arrived at Loyola, the parking lot was almost packed. I pulled my truck into a spot, hurriedly hopping out and walking over to help Elizabeth out of the truck. Her white dress flowing past her knees, hugging her torso tightly. She stepped down onto the footboard with her high white pumps. I grabbed her torso as she gripped my shoulders, carefully helping her down.

"Thank you." She said softly, adjusting her dress.

"Of course, so you'll be sitting next to my parents. Is that alright?" I ask, leading her toward the auditorium.

"Yes, of course it is. I'm so proud of you Caleb." She said, stopping me and pulling me in for a kiss. I wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her in, deepening the kiss. I pulled back, giving her a smile, walking towards the double doors. I led her to where my family was sitting, giving her a quick kiss before heading to the meeting spot. Our administrators were gathering everyone and handing out caps and gowns. I waited patiently for mine, finding our assigned seats as they went over procedure. The butterflies tickled my stomach, making my nerves flutter. You did it, you just have to walk across that stage.

An hour later, after a long list of D's, the H's finally arrived and my nerves grew immensely. I stood up with my row, following the others toward the stage. I stared back into the crowd, finding my family and Elizabeth. She smiled widely at me, winking as the girl ahead me was called. I smiled back as the dean called my name and I started to walk across the stage. A roar of applause erupted as I crossed the stage and Elizabeth stood up and cheered harder. Her voice booming in the auditorium. I smiled at the dean as I shook his hand, grabbing my diploma. I finished walking across the stage, shaking several other administrators' hands. I stopped at the end of the stage for my picture, smiling widely. I made my way back to my seat while they called the rest of the class.

When they finally finished, the dean gave the last of his farewell speech.

"...If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door, with that good luck on your future endeavors. Please all stand and congratulate the Class of 2024!" Everyone stood and started throwing their caps as the crowd erupted in applause. I smiled, faking throwing my cap in the air, shaking a few classmates' hands before making my way to the exit. I pushed through the double doors, trying to find my family and Elizabeth. My sisters stood outside, holding balloons and a huge poster board sign. I chuckled to myself as I approached them, scooping Casey into my arms and swinging her around.

"Congratulations, big brother!" She said as I put her down.

"Thank you, this will be you next year." I said reassuringly as Elizabeth made small talk with Carla. I walked over to her, attempting to scoop her up like I did Casey.

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