Chapter 11

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As we pulled up to the Ambassador Theatre in Midtown, she stepped out of the limo. Her dress flowing in the calming breeze, I tucked my arm around her back, walking her through the entrance. The usher scanned our tickets, pointing us in the direction of the stairs.

"I am seriously so excited Caleb. It's been a minute since I've gotten to see a show." She said, carefully walking up the wide staircase. We walked through the velvet curtains, walking down the aisles. We finally found our seats, sitting next to an eager couple.

"I'm glad you're excited, I hope you like the show I picked out." I winked, grabbing her shawl and sitting down putting it on my lap. She smiled widely, taking in the elegant theatre.

"What show is playing?" She asked, shifting to look up at me.

"Chicago!" The eager girl next to her shouted. I groaned internally, forcing a smile at her.

"Oh, I absolutely loved the movie! I can't wait, thank you." She said excitedly.

"I did too, thought it would be nice to see it live and on Broadway. Did you want anything from the snack bar?" I asked, as she fumbled with her fingers.

"Surprise me." She smiled, as I stood up, buttoning my jacket as I slid down the aisle. I walked back down the stairs towards the snack bar. I ordered a large cola and some candy, thanking the small brunette behind the corner.

"Wait, aren't you Mr. Darcy." She asked excitedly, her face lighting up. I smiled, tucking the candy in my pocket.

"Yes, I am. Are you a fan?" I asked, as she walked around the counter her phone gripped tightly in her hand.

"Yes, I've been following you since the beginning! I love your content and am so excited to get to meet you. Can I like, um, have a picture?!" She asked, her voice squeaking a little.

"Of course." I say, as she stuck her arm out facing her phone towards us. She struggled trying to get us into frame. "Here, let me try." I say, grabbing the phone and holding it out to take the picture. I quickly snapped the photo, handing her phone back.

"Thank you so much, it was so nice to actually meet you!" She said, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, smiling as we pulled apart.

"I'm happy to oblige, have a great night." I say, grabbing my drink off the counter and walking back towards the stairs. As I walked up the stairs, I pulled the flask that was in my breast pocket out and poured the rest of the whiskey in the cola cup. I walked down the aisle, sitting next to Elizabeth who was in a full blown conversation with the girl sitting next to us.

"Yes, I love that one too! Next time I am in New York, we will have to get drinks!" She said, grinning at the girl.

"Did I miss something?" I ask, handing her the candy from my suit jacket.

"Oh, Jessica and I were talking about other musicals. She's from here and loves coming to the theatre." She says, sipping the cola and wincing. I chuckle having forgot to tell her I spiked it.

"Sorry babe, I spiked it. I was going to tell you before you drank it." I giggle as she takes another sip.

"No biggie, it tastes good." She smirks, sipping it again.

"Take it easy, going to make me have to carry you out of here." I wink, sipping the cola. She wiped the corners of her mouth, grinning at me as the lights dimmed and the play started. Her face lit up and her excitement vibrated from her skin, seeing her happy made me happy.

After Chicago, we walked to the limo, both laughing drunkenly as we slid into the backseat.

"I had a great time tonight Caleb, seeing 'Chicago' live. It was spectacular." She said, slurring her words just slightly.

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