Chapter 3

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I woke up to Luke's loud snoring, startling me. We must've fallen asleep after the joint. I sat up, shaking them awake.

"Yo, dudes! Bros!" I yell, shaking Mitch then Luke. They both sat up, startled.

"Dude, what the fuck. I was out, I'm going to crash in the second bedroom." Mitch said, as he got up and walked down the hallway. I shook my head, looking down at Luke.

"Dude, no way I'm driving right now. I'll crash right here." Luke said, grabbing one of the throw pillows and tucking it under his head. I shrugged, saying goodnight, and walked to my bedroom. Gage was laying under the island and got up as I walked past him. He pushed past me, hopping on the side he knew I wouldn't lay on. I threw myself on the bed, tucking my long legs under the blankets. I cuddled up next to Gage, letting sleep find me once again.

When I woke up the following morning, my condo smelled of burnt bacon and toast. I flipped the covers over my body, jumping out of the bed. I hurriedly walked down the hallway, Mitch was standing in front of the stove, rapping some song.

"'Come at me, I'll stop you in your tracks.' Bro, good morning! I got breakfast made!" Mitch said excitedly, handing me a plate. I frowned at the overcooked bacon, soggy eggs, and burnt fucking toast.

"Dude, next time leave the cooking to me. You fucking suck at this shit." I groaned, walking over to my Keurig and putting in a pod. I grabbed a coffee cup from the cabinet, placing it under the nozzle, press the button.

"Don't be ungrateful, you should've hired a fucking maid. This place looks like shit." Mitch said, drinking his beer. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my cup from the Keurig, blowing on it softly, and taking a sip.

"Don't you have to work?" Luke asked, hitting his one-hitter.

"No, why would I invite you guys over to party when I have to work the next day. I work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. But you guys knew that." I say groggily, sipping my scalding hot coffee.

"It's been a while since we've all hung out, but you knew that." Mitch sniped, tossing eggs and bacon on a plate and sitting next to me.

"Look, I'm sorry. I have a test tomorrow and class at one. I have to get ready to go, but you guys are more than welcome to stay. No snooping." I say brazenly, looking over at Luke. He chuckled, hitting his one-hitter again.

"Dude, I just want to see it. You won't even show it to your fans on Sparkle." He laughed, coughing on his last hit.

"Maybe one day, I feel like people will eat that shit up, especially since 50 shades. My fans know if I get three million followers, I'll show them." I smirk, sipping my coffee.

"Well you better get it ready, you're at two and a half right now," Luke said, flipping his phone so I could see my profile with all my posts.

"Yeah, I gained two hundred thousand in the last day and that's just from our video with the girls." I laugh, standing up and grabbing my cigarettes off the counter. They followed behind me to the balcony, I opened the door stepping out. I took in the calm breeze as I put my cigarette to my lips, lighting it.

"Are you going to show them at three?" Mitch asked, lighting his cigarette, smirking.

"They've been watching my content for three years. I think they all deserve it." I smile, inhaling and exhaling.

"Man, I can't believe it's been that long. Sometimes I miss the mansion in Glencoe. We threw mad parties there." Luke said, nodding his head and smiling.

"Yeah me too, but you can't beat this view," I say, inhaling the air deeply, stretching my arms.

"Agreed." They both said in the same tone, chuckling at each other.

"It's crazy to think we've been friends for twenty years. Glencoe gang." Luke said jokingly, holding his fist out. We all bumped fists, as I chuckling at his highness.

"Yeah and I hope we all can be for twenty more," I say, dragging the last pull on my cigarette.

"Always my dude. You're the most real person I know." Luke said, opening the balcony door. I nodded, putting my cigarette out in the ashtray on the glass table I had outside. Mitch followed suit, following behind me as I walked back in.

"Look do what you want, but no fucking parties guys. I have a damn test tomorrow, for real." I say sternly, giving them both a serious look. Those two could find trouble at a fucking grocery store, I didn't want to deal with it today.

"Alright, man. Have fun in class." Luke said, plopping on the couch. I walked back towards my room grabbing my coffee cup on the way. I put my cup on my dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans from the drawer, walking to my closet, and grabbing a Gucci polo from the rack. I decided to skip a shower, throwing on a fresh pair of boxers, spraying my cologne on my body. I ran my hands through my shaggy hair, flopping it to the left side. I dressed, grabbing my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. I grabbed my laptop from my den, saying goodbye to the boys as I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys. I'd just walk today, I had time. I shut the door behind me, walking to the elevator. It opened and I stepped in, pushing the lobby button. It dinged again after going down a few floors. The doors opened slowly, Elizabeth was standing in dark blue skinny jeans, a loose blouse, and black flats. I struggled to keep my mouth off the floor. She was beautiful.

"Hello again." She said softly, her eyes looking into mine. She stood dangerously close to me, I could smell her floral scent and it was divine.

"Hey," I say, grinning at her like a child. She chuckled a bit. "Think I could have your number, you know in case I need to get in the building." I lie slyly, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes, wiggling her fingers at me.

"Phone." I clumsily pull my phone out of my jean pocket, dropping it on the hard floor. She bent down to pick it up, revealing a floral pattern lined up her back from her ass. I quickly looked away, as she opened my phone. "No passcode. You must not have anything to hide." She grinned at me, as she typed her contact information in my phone. Yes! I got it! I got it!

"I'd say I was an open person, but it would be a lie. I'm Caleb Helms." I say, reaching for my phone. Her eyes widened, as her body stiffened.

"As in 'Mr. Darcy'?" She asked, holding back her excitement.

"Yes." I chuckle, silently loving the attention I was getting from her.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Elizabeth Brooks, I enjoy your content. I'm a follower myself, even if I'm older." She smiled slyly, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Older? What's older?" I ask, tucking my phone back in my pocket.

"Oh, I'm thirty-five honey." She smirked, looking up at me with wanting eyes. Fame does have its perks.

"Ah, you're not much older. I have friends your age." I lie, knowing damn well my oldest friend was twenty-nine.

"Hmm, well now you have another." She said as the elevator doors opened again. I motioned for her to exit first, following behind her. Her perfectly round ass swayed, as I walked through the lobby with her.

"Maybe we can grab dinner sometime. I know a pretty good Italian restaurant uptown if you wanted to try it." I said, opening the main door for her.

"Maybe. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Darcy. Hopefully, we can talk again soon." She grinned, running toward the street, trying to catch a taxi. I stood there dumbfounded for a moment, this girl. She was intoxicating, I want to know more. I NEED to know more. I watched her hop in the cab, wishing she hadn't left so suddenly.

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