Chapter 17

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I looked at her as she sat on the leather couch, still fumbling with her hands.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything you're not okay with. Let's talk about safe words, let's talk about limits." I say, breaking her nervous tick, rubbing her hand with my thumb as I sat next to her. "What have you done?" I ask, smiling down at her. She shifted uneasily and flashed a nervous smile.

"I haven't." She said, watching my face closely.

"What do you mean you haven't? I thought.." I cut off, letting her hand go, running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry Caleb, I didn't want you to think I wouldn't be able to handle this side of you." She said softly, walking towards me.

"Stop." I demand. I turned around and she had stood in place. "How about we start off slow, if that's what you want. If I am hurting you or it's too much just say 'Vanilla'. If you are coming close to your limit say 'Strawberry'." She giggled a little, nodding.

"Could I just say 'stop'?" She asked, sitting down on the leather couch. I followed suit, turning towards her.

"If that's what you want, I am okay with that. What are you okay with doing?" I ask.

"I'll try it all." She said softly, looking down at her fingers. I pulled at her chin, lifting her head to look at me.

"Don't be embarrassed, this isn't for everyone and at any given time you don't want to partake, please just let me know. I want this to be as enjoyable for you as it is for me."

"I just want to make you happy, like you make me happy." She said, rubbing her cheek against my hand.

"You don't have to do this to make me happy, Elizabeth, seriously." I say, pulling her into my chest. She wrapped her arms around my torso, snuggling into me.

"I'd do anything to make you happy. What do you want me to call you when we are in the playroom?"

"Daddy." I whisper in her ear. I felt the goosebumps lace her arm as she looked up. Her face was flushed red. "Are you turned on?" I asked, rubbing her bottom lip with my thumb. She nodded, her thighs squeezing together, her breathing sparse.

"We don't have to use any toys tonight, if you don't want to. I can take it slow." I say, standing up.

"You tell me what you want, Daddy and I'll do it." She said eagerly.

"Good girl." I say in a low growl. "Kneel." I demand. She knelt, glancing up at me. I walked over to one of the shelves in the room, unbuttoning my dress shirt. I grabbed a blindfold and a whip flogger, biting my bottom lip.

"Stand up and take off all of your clothes." I say, turning to look at her. She stood up, pulling the purple turtleneck over her head with ease. Her creamy pale skin, in her laced purple bra, erupted a low growl from my chest. I watched her hungrily, as she unbuttoned her jeans. She slid them down her thighs, revealing a matching thong. She started to slide the laced thong down her thigh.

"You can leave that." I say, walking over to her as she started for her bra hooks, revealing her supple breasts. Her little nipples hardened as she let her bra slip from her fingers onto the floor. I bit my lip taking her in, inhaling harshly. Fuck, she's beautiful. I reached out for her and she walked over shyly, covering her bare chest. I pull her hands away from her body, my eyes pouring into hers.

"You don't have to hide your body from me. I love your body." I say, sliding my hand up her side to her breasts. I cup it in my hand, rubbing around her larger areolas. She glanced up at me, her hazel eyes making my cock hard in an instant. I ran my hand up her body, squeezing just a little under neck. I cupped her chin in my large hand, leaning in slowly to her plush lips. I hovered over them, just slightly, catching her breath in my mouth. I feel her body radiate from my touch.

"I'm going to fuck you now, would you like that?" I say into her lips, sliding my hand back down to her neck.

"Yes, Daddy." She whispers, her lips quiver as I push mine into hers, a growl escaping. I slide my hand to the back of her neck, pushing my lips harder into hers. I push my tongue past her lips, attacking her tongue playfully. I pull back, giving her a quick kiss before sliding the blindfold over the top of her head. I slid it over her forehead, brushing her hair from her eyes. I smiled, before covering her eyes.

"Hold your hands out." I say, pulling my belt from my dress pants. She held her hands out as I looped the belt, placing it around her wrists and tightening it. I walked around her, letting my fingers trail against her skin to her back. I led her towards the bed carefully, moving her long brunette hair to kiss her neck. "Bend over." I say softly, breathing harshly against her neck. She bent over as I tugged on her laced thong, sliding the flogger over her creamy skin. I lightly tapped the flogger over her ass, a slight gasp escaped from her lips.

"Was that too much?" I ask, running the flogger over her perfectly round ass.

"No, it was okay." I hit her a little harder, leaving a red mark. I bent down, kissing the mark, grabbing her ass with both hands. I tossed the flogger on the bed and gripped her cheeks, tugging her thong down. I pushed her into the bed, hiking her ass up. I kissed her ass again, making my way down to her wet pussy. I slid down, flicking her clit with my tongue. She moaned as I slid a finger in, pushing it in and out slowly; teasing her.

"Do you like this?" I ask, my mouth humming against her clit.

"Yes." She said breathlessly.

"Yes what?" I demanded.

"Yes, Daddy." I spread her legs, pushing my finger deeper inside, stroking her g-spot. I flick my tongue over and over against her clit, her legs starting to shake. I pull back, sliding my finger out and sucking her sweet juices. I pulled her up by her hair, her soft moan made my hard cock throb. I hook her hands on the hook I have hanging from the canopy. I grab the flogger from the bed, swatting her ass repeatedly. Her yelps grow louder and louder with each lash.

"Remember if the pain gets to be too much." She cuts me off, with a low moan.

"Please..don't stop." She breathed.

I unbuttoned my dress pants, letting them fall to my ankles. I slid my boxers down, tugging on my hard cock as I teased her wanting hole. I poked my head hungrily into her pussy as she let out a soft gasp. I watched myself slide in and out of her wet pussy, my cock throbbing inside her. I gripped her hips, thrusting harder.

"You like this cock?" I say, bending over to kiss her back as I push myself deeper.

"Yes Daddy, harder." She begged. I thrust harder as she let out a muffled scream, gripping her hips. I picked up a pace, slamming into her as she gripped the silk sheets. I reached for her hair, pausing and holding my position. I gathered all her hair in my hand, pulling her into me, pushing myself deeper. I pulled her up to me, thrusting as I slipped a finger into her mouth, tugging at her cheek. She moaned as I pulled my finger from her mouth, grabbed her neck, squeezing just tightly. My cock throbbed inside her, as I kissed her neck softly.

"Fuck, you're so tight, I'm trying not to cum too soon." I growl in her ear. I felt her clench around my hard cock. I growled in her ear, pushing her back down into the bed, holding her head down. I pounded into her, slapping her ass with my free hand. She let a muffled scream as my pace quickened, spanking her ass again and again, leaving a handprint on her right cheek. I slid out, pulling her up and taking her blindfold off.

"Kneel." I said, as she knelt. I stroked my hardened cock, looking into her hazel eyes. She smiled up at me, biting her lip. I let out a groan as I came all over her face. She smiled up at me, licking the cum from her lips.

"Fuck, that was hot Elizabeth." I say, walking over to the closet and grabbing a towel. I handed her the towel watching her wipe off my cum.

"That was intense, I guess I thought you would have me hanging from the bed or wall." She said, grinning up at me.

"In due time." I say, pulling my boxers up.

"It's more intense than that?" She asks, walking over to her clothes and putting her bra on. She grabbed her thong from the bed, sliding it up her thicker thighs.

"Well yes, I barely used the flogger. My handprint is on your ass." I chuckle, buttoning my dress pants.

"Now I am excited where this can go. I already like it." She said, tugging her midriff turtleneck over her head. I walk up to her, kissing her lips hungrily. 

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