Chapter 18

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The next morning, I woke up and Elizabeth was still laying in bed. Her peaceful face made me smile, the sheet barley wrapped around her naked body. Gage was laying at the end of the bed, his ears perked up when I sat up. I smiled as his tail tapped the bed excitedly.

"Good morning buddy." I say, rubbing his ears and kissing his snout. I pulled the sheet over my legs, swinging them over and standing to stretch. I pulled my boxer briefs on and motioned for Gage to follow me out of the room. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some orange juice from the fridge. I sat at the bar, scrolling through Sparkle on my phone. Then the texts started to flow in.

Mitch: Happy Birthday Man!

Luke: Happy Birthday Bro!

Carla: Happy Birthday Lil Bro!

Casey: Happy Birthday Big Brother :D

Mom: Happy Birthday baby! I love you xoxo

I groaned internally and thanked them all for their birthday wishes. I figured I'd start breakfast before Elizabeth woke up. I grabbed some egg whites from the refrigerator and put them on the counter, along with some turkey bacon.

Mitch: Think we can hang for a bit, I haven't seen you in weeks.

Caleb: Yeah, I'll be here.

Mitch: Bet!

I felt bad, he was right since I started seeing Elizabeth I've barely seen him or Luke. Why not have a boys night, I am sure Elizabeth won't mind.

I finished cooking breakfast, setting the plates on the bar as I wiped my hands on the hand towel, slinging it over my shoulder. Elizabeth emerged from her slumber, wearing my buttoned shirt. It draped over her ass just perfectly. I licked my lips at the sight of her, grabbing a couple of forks.

"I was supposed to make you breakfast." She pouted, sitting on the bar stool.

"It's no big deal, I woke up earlier. Orange juice?" I ask, holding the carton in my hand. She shook her head yes. I poured her some, handing her the glass and a plate of whole grain bagels.

"How did you sleep?" I ask, taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Great, although Gage took up the majority of the bed." She chuckled, looking over at him laying under the table.

"Yeah, he's a big baby. So, my friends wanted to do something for my birthday. Is it okay if we rain check you cooking me a birthday dinner?" She slightly pouted but shook her head. I kissed her cheek, pulling her in for a hug.

"Thank you, sorry about the short notice. Mitch was making a big deal about not seeing me for a while." She frowned, picking at her bacon.

"I feel bad you don't see your friends because of me."

"No, it's not even you, Elizabeth. I've been busy, Sparkle keeps me busy too with work and school." I say, rubbing her bare creamy thigh.

"Oh yeah, does Sparkle know you have a girlfriend?" She asked, taking a bite of her bagel and eggs.

"Whenever you want me to tell the world I will. I just assumed you wanted to keep it on the low for now."

"I know we had that conversation but I don't want any of those girls thinking they can have what's mine." She smirked, sipping her orange juice. I smirked, kissing her neck, my lips traveling to hers.

"Mmm, I love hearing that. Well let's tell the world then." I say, grabbing my phone.

"Wait! Caleb I am not dressed and I look horrendous!" She said frantically.

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