Chapter 10

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When we landed at JFK, I grabbed our bags, letting Elizabeth walk down the stairs first. She took in the city in awe, granted I've been here quite a few times. My sister Carla lived here, when she wasn't in Milan. I put our bags in the car, as the driver grabbed the ones from the plane. I opened her door, gesturing for her to slide in, sliding in behind her.

"This is amazing, I've never been this spontaneous before. You definitely bring out the spontaneity in me." She smiled at me.

"Fifth Ave, Langham, please." I say to the driver, before returning my attention back to Elizabeth. "We are going to have fun tonight, I have quite the evening planned." I say, wiggling my eyebrows. She chuckled nervously, watching the highrises pass by on our way to the hotel.

"This is my second time in NYC, it never ceases to amaze me how big and bright it is. Makes Chicago look miniscule." She chuckled again, turning to me.

"My sister actually lives here, so I've been quite a few times. It really is a beautiful city, but I prefer Chicago."

"Yes, same. I've lived in quite a few places, but Chicago has always been my favorite."

"Where have you lived before?" I ask, as the driver pulls up to the hotel.

"I've lived in California for a few years and spent most of the last few years in Oregon." She said, as I slid out of the car, grabbing her hand to help her out. She stepped out, taking in the towering building, smiling giddily at me. I grabbed our bags from the driver, as she swung her purse over her shoulder. She walked closely behind me as the doorman opened the doors, letting us in. I walked to the front desk, checking in and grabbing our key card. We walked over to the elevators, stepping in and making our way to our room. I slipped the keycard in the door, pushing the door to a junior suite. I ushered her in, following behind her as she stood in awe. The view of the city casted in the room, with a perfect view of the Empire State Building.

"Oh wow, Caleb. This view and room are absolutely beautiful. That view, thank you!" She said, setting her purse on the end table next to the red loveseat. She threw her arms around my neck, kissing me, her sweet lip balm coating my lips.

"Don't worry you'll have the best view later against the window." I say, pull back to smirk at her. Her cheeks flushed a little, as she tucked her hair behind her ear nervously.

"I can't wait." She teased. I took our things to the master bedroom, setting them on the bed. She followed me into the bedroom, grabbing her bag and taking an outfit out.

"So, I have a spa appointment set up for you at four, then meet me in the lobby at seven for dinner." I say, kissing her lips again, nibbling her bottom lip softly. She moaned in my mouth, as I growled into hers. She pulled back, her hazel eyes scanning my face.

"Is this another fancy date? I didn't bring a dress." She sighed, poking her bottom lip out into a pout.

"Here." I paused, handing her a credit card. "I am sure you can order something from Bloomingdale's or Bergdorf's and have it delivered." She stood there for a second, looking at me in utter shock. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"'re kidding right?" She asks, still in shock.

"It's my treat, really. I want you to have the nicest things. If you're my girl, I am going to take care of you." I say, kissing her lips softly. She blushed, kissing me again, forcing her arms around my neck and hopping into my arms. I giggled, squeezing her tightly.

"Seriously, why couldn't we have met five years ago." She said, looking down at me, kissing my lips repeatedly.

"It wasn't our time yet. Now go to the spa, enjoy it and order whatever you want and I'll see you at seven." I say, setting her down.

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