Chapter 15

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The next morning, I woke up to her singing softly in the kitchen, her soothing voice echoing through the halls. I slid down, petting Gage as I stood up and stretched. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was a little after seven. I had to be at work in a few hours and I had my online class today too. I pulled my boxers over my thighs, walking out into the hallway towards the kitchen. She was dancing along to a Kesha song, singing sweetly along as she mixed pancakes in a bowl.

"Good Morning!" She said excitedly, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. She reached up on her tippy toes to kiss me, a small line of pancake batter on her cheek.

"Someone's chipper today, sleep well?" I ask, kissing her nose, wiping the batter off with the back of my hand. I sat on a stool at the bar. She couldn't stop grinning, her smile spreading to her eyes.

"I tend to be pretty energetic in the mornings and after that before bed sex. I feel on top of the world today. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, do you have work this morning." She asked, returning to the stove to flip the pancake cooking.

"Yes, I have to be there at nine, then class at four. How about you, work today?" I asked as she sat a cup of coffee on the bar for me. I put creamer and sugar, stirring it as I watched her grab plates from the cabinets.

"Yes, I'm still trying to find a benefactor and I have a meeting with another client. I'll be here at seven though for dinner. Do I need to bring anything?" She smiled, handing me a plate piled with pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns and bacon.

"Nope, just bring that sexy smile, thank you for breakfast." I smile, taking a bite of eggs.

"Great, can't wait." She said, sitting next to me with her plate. I kissed her forehead, digging into the delicious meal she had made.

An hour later, I was adjusting my tie in the bathroom mirror. She had just finished brushing her teeth, putting on the outfit she came in yesterday.

"You know you can bring some clothes up, so you always have fresh clothes if you stay the night." I say, sliding my suit jacket over my shoulders. She blushed, tucking her hair behind her right ear.

"Um, maybe after we've been dating a few months for now I'll go home for a shower. See you later." She said, kissing my cheek, turning to leave again. I chuckle, adjusting my suit jacket and tie before grabbing my keys, wallet and bag, throwing it over my shoulder. I said, bye to Gage, petting his fluffy head before leaving. I punched the code into the lock and headed for the elevator.

Class seemed to fly by and as I drove home, my excitement to see Elizabeth only grew. I had a few ideas for dinner but I thought I'd run it past her first.

Caleb: Hey do you want me to cook or are you okay with takeout?

Elizabeth: you pick, I'll pick next time. :D

Caleb: Okay, see you soon. <3

I pulled into the parking garage, parking in my assigned spot. I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and heading towards the elevator. I rode the elevator to my floor, punching the code into the door. Gage's tail wagged wildly as he excitedly slid across the hardwood.

"Did you miss me buddy?" I ask, scratching behind his ears. He barked up at me, dancing around me as I sat my bag on the couch. I grabbed his leash, attaching it to his collar and opening the door. He bolted for the elevator, dragging me along with him. I pulled slightly on the leash, reminding him of his training. He sat as the elevator ascended to our floor, he didn't pull as the door opened. He calmly waited for me to guide him into the elevator. We stepped onto the elevator, Gage's tail wagging wildly. I smiled down at the excited pup as the elevator opened to the main lobby.

After taking Gage outside, I started on some of the homework I had from this morning's class. I felt my phone vibrate, pulling it from my jean pocket.


"Hey honey, I just wanted to check in on you. We haven't talked to you since the summer and well.." My mothers hesitant voice made me uneasy.

"Yes, I am fine. I apologize for not calling you, I've just been busy." I say, closing my textbook and sitting back into the couch. I sighed, letting the ragged breath drag. I didn't want my mother to think I hated her like my father. I didn't, not one bit.

"Well that's good, almost done with school?" She asks, her attempt at small talk feeding into my guilt.

"Yeah, spring semester is my last semester then I just have to take my LSATs. The firm already offered me a job."

"Oh honey! That's amazing, I am so happy for you. Casey is doing well in Iowa, she should graduate next year with honors. I must admit, I wasn't only calling to check up on you." How did I know? Because I know my parents.

"I didn't think it was the only thing." I say coldly.

"I know you and your father have some things to work out, but Caleb I really want you to have the money your father set aside for you and your siblings. You can access it in December the day after your birthday." She said, clearing her throat quietly.

"I really don't want the money, can't you guys just split it and give it to Casey and Carla?" I ask, running my hand through my hair.

"No, these are trusts only the person who it's set up for can touch it at the age it's set for. If you decided to take the money out and give it to your sisters you could definitely do that. I think however," She paused, taking a deep breath. "I think you should take it and invest in something or even buy yourself a house."

"I have a home, remember the one dad bought me when I turned eighteen? I just don't want his handouts, ever." I say bitterly.

"It's not a handout, it's a start at a real life, a life your father and I had to struggle through until we were in our mid thirties. Please just think about it, I think this could be good for you."

"Yeah, I'll think about it, thank you for checking up on me." I could see her smile through the phone, her plump lips spread over her perfectly white teeth.

"We will see you for Thanksgiving?" She asked as I sighed.

"Christmas." I say. We said our goodbyes and I set my phone on the table. I ran my hair through my hands again, feeling the guilt in my throat. I never wanted it to be like this with my parents, but my father made it easy. He made it easy to hate him, he was a spiteful man and he would never be anything else in my eyes. No matter how hard he tried. 

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