Chapter 14

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As I finished cooking the chicken marsala, Elizabeth grabbed glasses for the wine, setting them at the table. I put the food on plates, bringing them to the table and setting them down. I walked back to the kitchen to grab silverware from the drawer.

"Thank you, it smells delicious." She said, sitting down putting the Pinot Noir on the table.

"Anytime, I enjoy cooking, something I picked up in my earlier college years."

"Oh, yeah I tried cooking. I always burn everything." She giggled, taking a bite.

"That's okay, I burnt a lot of food learning. So, where have you been the last few days?" I ask, pouring wine in my glass. She shifted in her seat, glancing at me before taking another bite of her food. She smiled sheepishly as she sipped the wine I had poured in her glass.

"Well, I took my brother to a rehab facility." She said softly.

"Well that's good right? Get him the help he needs, are you okay?" I ask, rubbing her hand softly.

"Yes, it feels like a weight off my shoulder, but he's going to have to stay with me awhile when he gets out. They thought it would be best." She said, looking at me cautiously.

"It may be better for him, but is it going to be for you?"

"I'm not sure yet, I guess when the time comes I'll know. He's going to be in for at least six months, the doctor said. He has a lot of liver damage and they want to give his body time to recover." She said, taking another bite and sipping her wine.

"Well I am here for you if you need anything and I mean that." I say, sipping my wine again. She smiled shyly at me, reaching for my hand and softly rubbing my thumb. "How's the planning going for that charity event?" I ask.

"It's going well, I just need to find a benefactor. I had a couple people lined up but when I've told them it's a hundred grand donation they all back out immediately. It's for the kids in foster care. The woman that hired me is an avid supporter of families who take in kids in foster care. She's trying to raise a million dollars for them. She put in her hundred grand, I just need to find one more person." She said, rubbing her temples. I could see this was stressing her out.

"When do you need the benefactor?" I ask, finishing the rest of my glass of wine, pouring more.

"Next week, Saturday is the party. I was hoping you would be my date." She said, grinning at me.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." I stood up, grabbing her finished plate, along with mine, walking over the kitchen. I put the plates in the dishwasher, walking back to the table.

"Thank you so much for dinner, it was lovely." She said as I sat back down.

"I'd make you dinner every night Elizabeth." I say, sipping my wine, smiling at her.

"Deal. I'll be here at seven every night." She smirked.

"Deal, I'll have dinner ready by seven and then we can cuddle and watch a show." I smiled, finishing my second glass as she poured more.

"Or you can take me to the playroom and have your way with me." She said, smirking as she stood up and sauntered towards me. I pictured her naked, biting my bottom lip as she sat in my lap.

"You drive me crazy Elizabeth. I promise, when you're ready I will bring you into the playroom." I whisper in her ear. She shifts in my lap, making circles with her waist, grinding into my groin.

"Good, I can't wait because I feel like a goddess when you fuck me." She growled into my ear as her head lay on my shoulder. I start kissing and nibbling along her neck, running my hand up her body. I clenched around her neck, pushing her body into mine.

"I'll always fuck you like a goddess because you are one, My Goddess." I growled into her ear again, her skin laced with goosebumps.

"Oh Caleb, you make me want you all over again." She whimpered into my ear.

"Say the words and I'm all for it." I grin into her neck, kissing softly.

"How about we cuddle up and watch a movie." She says, sliding down my lap.

"Let's do it." I say, kissing her neck as she stood up. She smiled, grabbing her glass of wine, going to sit on the couch. I followed, cuddling up next to her, trying to find something to watch. We settled on an action movie.

"Do you even like action movies, or are you more of a romance kind of girl?" I ask, kissing the top of her head.

"I like action, but I'm more of a crime or thriller fan. I like being on the edge of my seat, trying to figure out the killer." She said, glancing up at me, her eyes dazed.

"Interesting. What's your favorite movie?"

"Ohhh, that's a hard one!" She said excitedly, sitting up to sip her wine. "Erm, 'The Usual Suspects', definitely one of my favorites." She said, placing her wine glass back on the glass coffee table.

"Ah, I think I've seen that before, not a hundred percent though." Her mouth hung open as a gasp left her lips.

"Whaaaaat, you're kidding right?!" I shrugged my shoulders, making a goofy face. "Probably one of the best pulp noir films in the 90s, well besides 'Pulp Fiction'. You've seen that right?" She teased.

"Well, one time, I think." I teased back. Her mouth fell open wider as she put her head in her palm, shaking back and forth.

"You are killing me and definitely showing my age."

"I am teasing, I have definitely seen it!" I say, pulling her hand from her face, pulling her towards me so she was laying on my chest.

"Good! I was about to put it on right now!" She mumbled into my chest, resting her chin as she glanced at me again.

"I'm glad you're here." I whisper into her hair, kissing lightly. "I missed you so much, it was driving me crazy not hearing from you. Please don't do that to me again, Elizabeth." I say, wrapping my arms around her body and squeezing.

"I promise, I won't do it again. I am sorry, I never thought our relationship would be this complicated. I am the reason it's complicated, but it will only get better from here, I promise Caleb." She said, pushing up and nuzzling into my neck.

"Good, that's all I want and for you to stay the night with me." I say. She lifts her head from my neck just slightly, smiling up at me. Her toothy smile was all the conformation I needed. I kissed the top of her head as she shifted staring at the TV.

    We lay there awhile, watching the action movie, popping some popcorn before finally going to bed. I watched her intently as she brushed her teeth with a new toothbrush I had stashed in the linen closet. She washed her face, patting her face on the hand towel, grinning at me as I finished brushing my teeth.

"Why are you just staring at me?" She asked, rolling her eyes. I growled, spitting the excess toothpaste in the sink.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I growled again, rinsing my mouth. She looked up at me, a sly grin spread across her face as she lightly pulled on her bottom lip with her top teeth. I turned toward her, sliding my hand up her body to her neck. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I repeat, gripping a little tighter.

"Ye..yes." She stuttered, her eyes filled with lust.

"I should spank you, do you want me to spank you?" I asked, my lips just inches from hers. Her body shuddered in my grasp, making my cock instantly hard. Fuck, how does she do that to me?

"Please." She begged. I smirk, picking her up in one swift motion, carrying her over to the bed. I lay her down, bending her over and spanking her hard. "Harder." She begged. My cock throbbed in my pants as I swatted her ass again. I pulled down the sweatpants I had given her, tugging at my boxer briefs.

"Can I fuck you now?" I ask as she looks back at me with wanting eyes. Fuckkkkkk.

"Yes, please." She moaned, sending shivers up my spine. She pushed her legs up, hovering over the edge of the bed as I thrusted into her forcefully.

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