Chapter 23

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When we finally showed up my mother scowled at me, shooting me a look only I knew. She hurriedly made her way over to me, fixing her skirt as she approached me.

"Caleb, where have you been?" She asked in a frantic voice.

"Sorry mom, we were talking about the house." I lied, trying to get her off my back. She sighed, leading me into one of the banquet halls. Everyone popped up out of their hiding spots and I faked being surprised. My mother clapped as everyone came up to me to congratulate me.

"Thank you," I said to a colleague of my father's, shaking his hand quickly.

"You'll have to come work for me Caleb; I'll pay more than Flynn & Johnson. That's if you want to, here take my card, and think it over. Hope to hear from you." Elizabeth squeezed my arm gently, looking up at me. I smiled down at her, shaking the next person's hand. I tucked the handful of business cards in my front pocket. I led Elizabeth to our table to sit, being stopped one more time by a heavier set man who had worked with my father for years.

"So, Caleb, I was wondering if I could offer you a job at my smaller firm. We handle a lot of pro bono cases for the less fortunate, but I can definitely match, if not give you more than what you've been offered. Here, take my card and give me a call on Monday." He said, shaking my hand again. I smiled, tucking his card into my pants pocket with the others. I pulled out Elizabeth's chair, sliding it in as she sat.

"You've gotten a ton of job offers. Do you think you'll take anyone's offer?" She asked, sipping the glass of water sitting in front of her plate. I shrugged and asked the waiter for an old fashioned.

"I hadn't thought about going to another company and most of these guys are just offering me jobs because of my father but I think I may call the gentleman that works with the less fortunate if Flynn & Johnson doesn't offer me what I want." I say as the waiter came back with my drink. I took a gulp, wincing as the liquor coated my throat.

"You do what you think is best babe." She smiled, sipping her water.

"Of course, I'll figure it out. I have time to figure it all out." I say, sipping my drink again. My mother started gathering everyone's attention with a few clinks against her glass.

"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate my son's college graduation." She smiled my way, waving me towards her. I internally rolled my eyes, kissing Elizabeth on the cheek before making my way over to my mother. She wrapped her tiny arms around my torso, pulling me in with a big smile. She nudged me to make a quick speech. I looked around at all the people, glancing back down at my mother and smiling.

"I wanted to thank everyone for coming. I really appreciate you taking the time to come out and make me feel special. I just wanted to give a special thanks to my family and girlfriend for supporting me through this. I'd be nowhere without you all." I looked over at Elizabeth, smiling widely. She smiled back; her cheeks flushed a little. I loved her modesty; she was always just a little bit shy. Everyone clapped, finding their way to the tables set out. I kissed my mother on the cheek, thanking her for throwing the party. I walked back to the table, my eyes never leaving Elizabeth's. The waiters approached us, asking us for our order. We ordered our food, and my mother started her small talk with Elizabeth.

An hour later, we were trying to leave, and my mother stopped us.

"Caleb, I'd really like it if you came around more. I know, I know you don't want to hear that, but I miss seeing you. Please, come for dinner on Sunday." She said softly, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Sure mom, I'll be there." I say, kissing her cheek lightly, hugging her tightly. She smiled up at me as I pulled back. We said our goodbyes, collecting all of the cards everyone had set out for me. Elizabeth and I walked to where I parked my truck, hopping in quickly.

"I really love how supportive your family is, they make it easy to want to be around them." Elizabeth said as she secured her seatbelt.

"Yeah, my mother and sisters have been my biggest supporters." I say, pulling into traffic.

"I love your sister Carla; she is so poised and elegant." Her smile warmed my heart, I was glad she liked my sisters.

"Yeah, I am sure that has a lot to do with the modeling world. She's been like that since we were kids though."

Fifteen minutes later, I was pulling into the parking garage, parking in my spot. I looked over at Elizabeth, smiling widely.

"Do you remember when I fucked you in the back of my truck?" I ask boldly. She blushed, her cheeks turning a slight pink.

"Yes." She said softly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Makes me want to do it again." I say seductively.

"Let's go upstairs." She says, smirking as she opens her door and hops down. I followed suit, locking my car as we walked towards the elevator. We both giggled, entering the elevator.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" She asked, the elevator ascended to my floor.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was just happy you were there, it made it easier to deal with." The elevator doors opened, and we exited, turning to head towards my door. I looked at her smiling as her face went instantly white, her eyes bugging out. I turned to look in the direction she was looking. A homely looking man was sitting in front of my door. His beard matted and his clothes torn. Her face turned stark red as the gentleman stood. I felt like I recognized him but wasn't sure.

"Bryon! What are you doing here!" She yelled as the gentleman guzzled down the rest of his bottle. I looked at her and realized it was her brother.

"I thought I'd show you how well I was doing, this must be the boyfriend. Does he know Liz? Does he fucking know!" He slurred angrily. She looked back at me, grabbing my arm, squeezing.

"Caleb, I'm sorry. I've tried to tell you." I was instantly confused, tell me what?

"I can't believe you'd lie to this man. You're a fucking bitch, stupid fucking bitch." He slurred again.

"Hey! Watch it or I'll break your jaw!" I yell, taking a step closer to the mess standing in front of my door.

"Yeah, I'm sure,' he scoffed, digging in his pocket and pulling out a gold band, putting it on. "That's my wife your fucking!" He yelled. My head spun to Elizabeth; the tears sprung from her eyes.

"You..You're married?!" I ask, taking a step away from her. "You said that he was your fucking brother!" I yell, my blood starting to boil. She tried touching my arm and I yanked it away from her. I was disgusted and wanted to punch a hole in my wall. Why would she lie to me? Why?

"Caleb, listen to me, please Caleb." She pleaded, the tears coating her cheeks.

"Why? Why the fuck would I listen to you now? Our whole relationship has been a lie. You lied!" I say through pursed lips, teeth gritted. She wiped her tears away, tugging at my arm. It felt like someone punched me in the gut multiple times. My stomach churned, making me feel unease as I stared at her horrified.

"Please Caleb, we have been separated for over three years." She said, scowling towards him. "He's a drunk, he'd completely given up on himself. I couldn't take it anymore and left Portland. He found me and has been showing up randomly for the last year. I'm sorry Caleb, I tried so many times to tell you. I just could never find the words." She looked up at me, her hazel eyes flooded with sadness. I looked at her bewildered and hurt. I didn't know what to say or even think.

"I'm sorry I can't, I just can't Elizabeth." I pushed past her drunk husband typing the code into my door, quickly walking in, and slamming my door shut. My heart felt like it fell out of my chest. Gage whimpered as I walked across the room to the bar, pouring whiskey into a glass. What a fucking way to end my night. 

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