Chapter 12

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The next morning I woke up, looking at her peaceful face. How did I get so lucky? Her eyes flickered open and I smiled at her.

"How did you sleep?" I say in my husky voice.

"I slept great, how did you sleep?" She asked, sitting up and stretching her arms.

"I slept okay, we should get up and get ready for our flight. Do you want to grab breakfast before we go?" I ask, sitting up and stretching. She yawned, covering her mouth as she untucked herself from the blankets.

"How about when we get back to Chicago?" She asked, grabbing her bag and putting it on the bed.

"Sounds great, I'm going to hop in the shower." I say, getting up from the bed and walking to the bathroom. I hurriedly showered as Elizabeth brushed her teeth.

"Hey leave the water on, I'm going to hop in after you." She said, over the rushing water. I stepped out of the glass shower, wrapping the towel loosely around my hips. She turned, taking me in, biting her bottom lip.

"You are the sexiest man I've ever seen in my life." She said, her fingers trailing over my deep v-line. My breath halted at her touch as I grabbed her hand and pressed it to my lips.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. Your eyes and smile are breathtaking." I say, pulling her into my lips, the taste of mint toothpaste on her lips. She pulled back, undressing and sliding in the shower. I brushed my teeth, pulling my boxers and jeans on. I sprayed my Creed cologne on my body, shaking my head to fix my crazy hair. She stepped out, wrapping the towel around her body. I watched her closely as she stepped on the balls of her feet to her bag. She pulled out a pair of jeans and a white tee. I pulled my maroon crewneck sweater over my head, adjusting it around the arms. I watched her dress, pulling the jeans over her creamy thighs, hooking her bra and pulling the white tee over her head. She must've noticed me gawking at her, she blushed just slightly.

"What are you staring at?" She said boldly, zipping up her suitcase.

"You." I say, walking up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kissed lightly around her ear, nibbling her ear lobe. She turned in my arms, stepping on her tippy toes to kiss my lips. A grin spilled across her face as her fingers trailed over my chest.

"You make me feel," She paused, looking up into my eyes. "You just make me feel happy, genuinely happy."

"You make me feel the same way, Elizabeth." I say, kissing her nose.

"Thank you so much for this, let's get back to reality." She said, pulling back to zip up her carry on.

"Yes, reality. I have class at one, then nothing. Do you have any meetings for work?" I ask, zipping up my suitcase. I threw my carry on over my shoulder, grabbing hers and doing the same.

"Not until late afternoon, have a meeting for a charity gala." She smiled, rolling her suitcase towards the door. I followed behind her as we made our way to the elevators.

The plane ride seemed quicker than coming to New York City. We walked through the terminal towards the entrance, as Elizabeth giggled about a story from Glencoe I told.

"You really did that?!" She asked, as the automated doors slid open.

"Hell yeah and Mitch was completely wasted, to this day he does not remember. I have pictures I'll show you sometime." I smirked down at her. As the driver opened the car door for her to slide into. I tossed our carry ons in the truck as the driver loaded the suitcases.

"I can't believe you drew on his face. I would've been so fucking pissed." She said, still giggling.

"What happens when you fall asleep first." I teased. The driver pulled off and headed for the expressway.

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