Chapter 19

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After work I hurried home to get ready to go see the guys, it had been a few weeks since I'd seen them. As I punched in the code to my door, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I answered without looking at the screen.

"Hello?" I said, closing the door behind me and placing my laptop bag on the counter.

"Hey dude! Are you excited about tonight?" Luke asked, coughing loudly in my ear.

"Definitely dude, it will be nice to get to see you guys! When will you both be here?" I ask, tossing my keys on the counter.

"Oh shit dude, he didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"We are going to Mitch's parents house in Glencoe. They are letting us use it while they are out of town." He said as I sighed. Glencoe was an hour with traffic right now.

"No he didn't tell me that, what time am I supposed to be there?"

"I know you hate traffic, just come as soon as you can. We will wait to start the party." He chuckled, causing him to cough harder.

"Alright, I'll get ready and head out man. See you soon!" I say before hanging up. I kicked my loafers off, putting my house shoes on to take Gage out. He was laying on the couch just staring up at me. I rubbed his ears, grabbing his leash from the hook. Normally, he would rush over to the door but he didn't move.

"Come on buddy, let's go outside!" I said in an excited voice. He slunk off the couch, walking to his water bowl taking a couple laps from the bowl. He then slowly made his way back to the couch, laying back down. I chuckled, grabbing my phone off the counter. I pushed her number into my touch screen, letting the line trill a few times before putting it to my ear.

"Hey." She said in a whisper.

"Hey, did you by chance take Gage out?" I asked.

"Yes, I took him out before I left the apartment. I hope that was okay." She said, clearing her throat.

"Yeah, of course. I was just wondering why lazy bones didn't want to go outside." I chuckled, rubbing his ears again.

"Oh yeah, he's probably worn out. I took him out with me to the shops too, I hope that was okay too."

"Yeah babe, it's fine. Are you okay? You sound a million miles away." I asked, concerned.

"Sorry, I am kind of busy right now with something but I can call you back in a few." That was weird.

"No, it's fine. I shouldn't be gone long, you coming over?"

"I can, yes." She said, shortly.

"Ok, I'll see you when I get home." We said our goodbyes and I walked to my room to get ready.

An hour later, I was fixing my black fitted button down, smoothing it down my body. I flipped my shaggy hair, giving myself a once over in the mirror. I grabbed my keys and wallet from the dresser. I pet Gage before heading out the door, letting the pup know I'd be home later. I locked up, heading to the elevator, pushing the button. I entered the elevator, pressing my thumb on the button for the garage. The elevator opened and I walked to my truck, unlocking it and hopping in. I made my way out of the parking garage onto Lake Shore Drive, I quickly sent a text to Mitch.

Caleb: Hey dude, on my way.

Mitch: Bet.

After an hour of driving, I pulled into Mitch's parents driveway. I put my truck in park, hopping out to see a bunch of people standing around. Great, tons of people. I walked up the brick walkway, smiling as I entered the house. Mitch and Luke were standing around a group of girls, talking.

"Hey man! Happy Birthday!" Mitch said, pulling me in for a bro hug.

"Happy Birthday bro!" Luke said, pulling me in for a bro hug as well. I chuckled, stepping back and looking at this towering cake sitting on the island.

"Man, you guys didn't have to do all this for me."

"Of course we did, it's your fucking birthday man!" Luke said, sipping his beer.

"Thanks, I appreciate all of this." I said, grabbing a beer out of the tub on the counter.

"Here man, hit this. It's called 'Death Eaters'." I chuckled, grabbing the joint and taking a few rips off it. I handed it back to Luke, taking a swig of my beer and exhaling the smoke.

"Where are your parents anyway Mitch?"

"Bahamas. I guess they are buying a house there and are finalizing it." He said, hitting the joint. I nodded, sitting on a bar stool. The girls flocked around us, one girl grabbing my arm and smiling up at me.

"Can I get a picture with you, Mr. Darcy?" She said shyly. I nodded, posing for the picture with a peace sign. She giggled, taking the shot and stepping back into the group of girls.

"Man, you kill me. Have a fucking girlfriend and can still have any girl in this place." Luke said bitterly, hitting the joint.

"Yeah, but you both treat girls like objects, like they are here for you." I said, shaking my head, finishing off my beer.

"That's Mitch, I treat girls like they deserve to be treated, just happens that I am 'too nice'. I should be an asshole like Mitch then I'd get more ass." He laughed, passing me the joint.

"Luke, she'll find you maybe tonight." I said, hitting the joint. I nodded to the girl that was standing next to the group of girls, looking over at him. He smiled, making his way over to her. I passed the joint to Mitch, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

Elizabeth: Hey I am sorry I am exhausted I am just going to go to bed. I'll see you Saturday.

Caleb: Is everything okay?

I waited patiently for her response, hoping everything was okay with her. What's really going on?

Elizabeth: Yes, everything is fine. I'll see you Saturday, have fun with your friends.

Caleb: Why do I feel like you're mad at me right now?

Elizabeth: I'm not, stop texting me and enjoy your night. Xoxo

Caleb: I'm not done, I'll call you in a few minutes.

What was going on? Why was she acting like this? I walked outside through the crowd of people, dialing Elizabeth's number. The line rang in my ear, my annoyance eating me when she didn't pick up after a few rings. Her voicemail started, I hung up and called again. The line trilled again, I started pacing growing more aggravated.

"Caleb, I said I was tired. Why are you calling?" She said in a distasteful tone.

"I mean we had plans, are you mad I am here. I'll leave right now. I'm sorry about dinner, I am." She chuckled in my ear, making my anger grow.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask in an angered voice.

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand why you think I am mad. I'm not, just tired and wanted to sleep. I have a client tomorrow and I need to get a dress for your parents the following day. I'll see you Saturday morning, is that a problem?" She asked. I stayed silent for a few moments, she was really testing my dominant nature.

"Has anyone ever told you that you were a brat?" She chuckled again.

"Yes, I am. Now, go hang with your friends." She said, making a kissing noise in the receiver.

"Fine, but you're coming over tomorrow and I am going to have my way with you." I say seductively.

"We will see." She says before she hangs up. I grip my phone, looking up at the sky. This girl drove me absolutely crazy, yet I couldn't get enough of her. 

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