Chapter 7

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We danced to a few more songs, laughing together as we sang the lyrics to Queen's "Radio Ga Ga".

"Who knew you were so musically educated." She smiled, her cheeks reddened from the liquor.

"I love anything really, classic rock, alternative rock, rap and hip-hop, country, but I think my favorite is rap. I just, it was all my friends listened to in high school." I chuckled, finishing the rest of my drink. She pouted, bouncing to the beat of a song.

"I figured, you'd say country, you seem like one of those guys." She said, laughing.

"Aren't you funny, is it the pick up truck?" I say, wrapping my arms around her. I kissed her lips, biting her bottom lip softly. I pulled back from her lips, glancing down at her.

"Well not only that, but your need to be the hero."

"I definitely do not have a hero complex, Elizabeth." I said, stepping back from her. How does she read me the way she does?

"Caleb, please don't take offense, it's a good thing. If you didn't call yesterday.." She looked down at her fingers, picking at the pink polish. I grabbed her hand, pulling her into me.

"I get it. No need to explain yourself." I whisper into her hair.

"I wish things were easier, you know?" She said, looking up at me. Her hazel eyes were sad and confused.

"They can be easier, I'll make them easier." I say, tucking her hair behind her ear, stroking her cheek.

"How are you going to do that?" She asked, smirking up at me.

"Be my girlfriend and you'll find out." I say, smirking back at her. She sighed deeply, stepping back from and turning toward the lake, watching the waves intently.

"Why would you want to date someone ten years older than you? Why me?" She said, turning around looking up at me.

"Your age has nothing to do with it. Elizabeth," I say. I stepped closer and grabbed her hand, putting it to my lips; kissing softly.

"There's something about you, that's keeping me drawn to you. I want to know everything about you, I want to kiss every part of you. I want to wake up next to you, I want to spend my days with you. Please just give me a chance to know you." I say, watching her eyes dance in mine.

"Fine, then I deserve a proper date." She smirked, as my insides jumped up and down.

"Deal, I'll take you out tomorrow night." I say, kissing her hand again.

"I can't tomorrow night, Saturday. I'll be waiting down stairs at seven-thirty. Don't keep me waiting, Caleb." She said, reaching up to kiss my cheek.

"At night right?" I chuckle, stroking her cheek with the back of my hand. She nodded, slinking past me, walking towards the door. As she left, I watched her walk away, feeling a rush of happiness. I was going to take this chance, the chance to sweep her off her feet.

The next morning as I made my way to the firm, I began planning out ideas for this extravagant date I was going to take Elizabeth on. I parked my truck in a parking spot, hopping out, fixing my dress shirt. I button my suit jacket, grabbing my messenger bag from the backseat, tossing it over my shoulder. When I arrive at my desk, there's a stack of cases sitting on my desk. I sigh, throwing my messenger bag on top of my desk. Mr. Flynn sauntered over, grinning as he approached me.

"Glad to see you're feeling better Mr. Helms. Please take notes on each case and let me know what you'd do for each client in court. Also, I was talking with Cynthia, we want to hire you once you've obtained your degree. That's in May, correct?" He asks, looking around the office.

"Yes and thank you sir! I'd be happy to work for your firm." I say, standing up to shake his hand.

"Of course, we'd love a Helms here at Flynn and Johnson." I forced a smile, as he gripped my hand firmly, shaking.

"I'd be honored." I say, as he broke his grasp.

"Well, get to work Caleb." He smiled, stepping away from my desk. I sat down, pushing my hair through my hands. I secretly wished my father wasn't who he was, but unfortunately for me he was always going to be D.A. Helms. Maybe Elizabeth was right, maybe it was time to forgive and forget.

The work day went by fast, as I gathered my things, throwing my messenger bag over my shoulder and heading to the elevator. My phone rang, I groaned and answered it. Laura.


"Hey Caleb, it's Laura." I groaned loudly, gripping the phone tighter.

"Yeah." I say shortly, running a hand through my hair, as I stepped on the elevator.

"I was just calling to see if I could come over." She said quickly. I groaned internally this time, moving the phone from my ear, wanting to stomp on it.

"For what? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I say harshly, waiting for her to respond. It felt like forever before she finally said something.

"I miss you." She paused, sighing. I rolled my eyes, missed me? Bullshit. "I dropped out of school. I got offered a full time job at a small law firm in the suburbs as a secretary."

"That's great Laura." I say, pushing my hair from my eyes and stepping off the elevator. I walked to my truck, unlocking it and hopping in. I threw my bag in the backseat.

"Yeah, I guess it is. So, I wanted to see you. You know, catch up, maybe grab dinner."

"No." I say sternly, wanting to hang up. Why? Why haven't I hung up?

"Ok, I'm sorry Caleb. I really am sorry." She said, her tears invading her voice. Fuck.

"Stop crying Laura." I say, sighing heavily.

"I can't help it, I really do miss you. I miss us, Caleb. I was wrong and I want to fix this. I..I..I want you back." She said, her sobs echoing through my phone. I put the phone down for a second on my seat, taking a deep breath. She was the queen of drama and I didn't know if I wanted it back in my life. I grabbed the phone again, putting it to my ear.

"I'm sorry Laura, I've moved on." I say softly. She sobbed harder and instantly I felt guilty.

"She's a lucky girl." She said shortly, still crying.

"Yeah, she will be. I have to go, she's going to be here soon." I lie, waiting for her to say something.

"Ok, sorry for bothering you. I love you Caleb, I hope you know that." She says, sobbing harder. I fight back the urge to tell her to just come and finally hang up. I clutch my phone, putting my head on the steering wheel. I didn't need this or her right now, interrupting my life. Not now.

An hour later the sun had set and I sat on my couch, flipping through channels. Gage lay next to me, curled up into a ball. My phone dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Elizabeth: have you thought about our date?

Caleb: Of course, I have a lovely evening planned. :D

Elizabeth: Does it end in your playroom? ;)

Caleb: Perhaps, will you submit to me?

Elizabeth: Yes sir.

This girl, she's what I've been waiting for.

Caleb: Good girl.

Elizabeth: see you Saturday. ;)

I couldn't wait, I'm going to make this girl fall in love with me. 

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