Chapter 13

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The next few days had passed by and I hadn't talked to Elizabeth since she disappeared after our weekend getaway. It was starting to dig into my insecurities, dig into my domineering nature. I want to punish her. I finished up my work early and left to finish my online classes' midterm project. I heard a soft tap at my door, my heart skipped a beat as I rushed over to the door, hopping over my loveseat. I stopped at the door fixing my hair and adjusting my shirt, pulling the door open and smiling. My smile faded quickly and a sigh left my lips.

"What do you want Laura?" I say, as she pushes past me. Gage came barreling over, tackling her and licking her face. I sigh again, fucking dog would still love her. She giggled, kissing all over his face and rubbing his ears. She looked up at me, grinning from ear to ear. It took everything not to wrap my hand around her throat.

"What are you doing here Laura?" I hiss, through gritted teeth. She kissed Gage again on the top of his head, standing up, her gaze never breaking mine.

"I missed you, I just wanted to come and see how you were." She said, her hands running up my torso to my chest. I pulled her hands off my chest, gripping her wrists tightly.

"I'm fine and seeing someone. I told you that the last time you showed up here. Yet you come here and think I'll have changed my mind Laura. My mind isn't going to change and I truly want nothing to do with you. YOU broke up with me and YOU decided my life was too dramatic for you. So, please save me the sob story and get the fuck out of my house." I growl, releasing her wrists. Her eyes saddened and she pushed her head into my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. She squeezed tightly, pulling back to look at me again. She started sliding down, her knees buckling underneath her. As she knelt on the ground, her soft sobs leaving her plump lips. She looked up at me again, her green eyes filled with tears.

"Please Caleb." She pleaded. "I miss you and I want to make this work." She wiped the tears from her eyes, looking down and back up. "I miss you, Daddy." I growled, wrapping my hand around her throat in an instant. Her eyes softened and I felt my skin heat up, my dominant side taking over.

"Yes, Daddy. Please take me to the playroom, I need to be punished." She smirked at me devilishly. I growled, squeezing a little harder around her throat, watching her chest rise and fall in a rapid motion. I removed my hand from her throat, clearing my throat.

"Standup." I demand, watching her stand swiftly. I put my hand on her cheek, cupping it in my large hand. "Now, get the fuck out of my house Laura." I say assertively, calmly. Her face bunched up and her lip started quivering as she backed away from me.

"Fuck you Caleb! Fuck you! Fuck you!" She said, slapping and hitting my chest and face. I taunted her with my smug smile, walking her to the door. I opened the door, ushering her out. She turned on her heel, her green eyes trying to pull me back in.

"Caleb! Wait, Caleb I'm sorry! Please let's try and work this.." I slammed the door in her face, running my hands through my hair. Fuck, I wish she'd stay the fuck away from me.

A few hours later, I was sitting on my couch, channel surfing when there was a soft tap at my door. I stand up, adjusting my t-shirt before looking through the peephole, Elizabeth? I open the door, her hazel eyes saddened. I moved aside, lifting an arm to motion her in. I closed the door, pushing my eyes closed and sighing.

"Caleb, I am so sorry. I know I've been MIA, but please.." She trailed off as I walked towards her. I slid my hand to her face, pulling her into my lips. Her lips were familiar, yet distant. I pull back, staring deeply into her eyes, trying to figure out the woman standing in front of me.

"Caleb, I am sorry, my life is just.." She paused, stepping back from me. Her eyes never leave my gaze. "I just have a lot going on right now and yes, I do want to be your girlfriend. My past is haunting and deceiving but I am a different woman from all those years ago." Her eyes darted to her hands, balling them into a fist, forcing herself to sit on the couch. She looked up at me with pleading eyes, quickly looking back down at her hands as she twisted her fingers together nervously. I sat next to her, pulling her hands apart, so she'd stop fumbling with them.

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